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Followup termination/Transcend post - RLee

Posted: Feb 23, 2010

I would like to thank you all for the many responses I received regarding my post last week, regardless as to if they were positive or negative responses.  When I posted I knew I was putting my head on the chopping block so to speak.  I respect everyone's opinions. and the reason behind all prior posts was to share my experiences with Transcend and hoping others would share theirs  (good or bad) as well as to "vent," as I felt I was facing this situation alone and have found out differently.  With that said - I received emails pertaining to the post from those that chose not to give feedback via the board, which I wish they would have to prove my point even more.  Those people shared the same or similar experiences as I have with Transcend-  sitting for hours on end looking at a blank screen, work not being made available to them during their schedule and beyond, TLs being deceitful, etc.  I realize everyone's experiences are different with each company, some a better fit to each individual .  For those "happy" Transcenders - I can only hope that you continue to be content with your position with this company and wish you continued happiness and longevity with them, as well as hope you can continue to post your "positive feedback."  For the Transcenders who are experiencing a bad situation I can only wish you better days ahead and hopefully you will find a new "home" - and hope you continue to post your "negative feedback."  I will  not miss the hideous daily emails stating "if your account is not listed your account is caught up - feel free to flex or use PTO or check back later."  As far as my termination - it is a blessing in disguise - and I do believe I will be happier in the direction I am headed. 

As many of you know I have been offered a position at Angel's Transcription - when she acquires more accounts, which is in the making - and yes I will wait.  Just for the curiosity seeker - yes she has read my posts.  I truly believe she is an "angel" for the MT industry - although she cannot change all the wrong doings made by so many, she can do her own little part by implementing her strong beliefs about the industry within her own business  - looking at things from the MT standpoint (no VR, no offshoring, MTs assigned to their own accounts, no pooling) as well as from a business standpoint (referral program for clients).  She is also an MT and has been so for many years - which makes all the difference in the world - in my opinion -working for someone who has been in your shoes before, not just a "fat cat" climbing a cooperate ladder and having no MT experience at all, just waiting for the next bonus check while screwing the people who are keeping you in business.  I am very much looking forward to my new opportunity and/or opportunities that I will experience by joining her company, and once again hope that any MT that has a chance to work for her jumps at the chance.   She has one thing the nationals will never acquire and that is INTEGRITY.  I strongly believe working for a smaller individual and/or company can involve nothing more but proving "Yes the grass is greener on the other side."  I  have worked for only one national (Transcend) and hopefully I will not be forced at some point in my life to join their side of the industry again.  If the day ever comes that I have to make that dreadful choice, I will change professions or hopefully be of retirement age.  :)  

Good luck to you RLee on your new journey. Don't look back, only forward to new beginnings! - Sunshine State MT

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Aaaah it sounds great but you might want to wait - until you actually do some work

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for your Angel MT and get paid for it before you sing her praises of her hopeful clients you are waiting for, but other than that, good luck!

Aaaah - RLee

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Know what you are thinking - some nationals claim "Here we grow again," "MTs needed for new accounts," etc. - the same old song and dance - and never have enough work for their MTs - but she is just starting her own business and I realize it takes time to acquire accounts and get yourself established. I appreciate her honesty and will give her the benefit of the doubt, as I have no reason not to at this point. I can give her this much credit - at least she is not overhiring - so that says something in itself. She is trying to make a living like the rest of us - and at this point I have nothing but time.

good luck - ggmt

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I really hope this new job works out well for you! Good luck!

Good luck to you. I am working for fat cats and am being kicked to the curb. - You obviously know how that feels.

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I devoted my life to this job and what do I get? Talked to like I don't matter while my credit is ruined and my personal sense of self is diminished. I will never recover from this at my age. It is unbelievable.

To RLee and the above poster : I am glad - you have found SM

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some peace, and a new opportunity. I appreciated each and every post you made. It really does help to know that others are experiencing problems, because these companies seem to always made you think that "no one else is having a problem, it's just you". You know? To the poster above, I know how you feel, and I am so sorry about it. Take care.

I'm very happy for RLee, too, but - Madge

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Let's not open the champagne until Angel actually GETS the accounts, KEEPS them, PAYS on them, and shows she knows how to run a business. It's always easy to talk a good game. I'm interested in seeing RESULTS, not hearing talk. Good luck to you, RLee, I truly and honestly hope this is all you think it will be!

I have no good advice, I just wanted to say I am SM - just an MT

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really sorry you're going through what you are. I'm no spring chicken and it's been really disheartening how this field and then the economy diving has made the future so questionable for all of us. I guess I don't have to tell you, huh? You're not alone and I'll put you in my prayers.

For "Curious" - typefast

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Curious. See poste below original termination post. There's a message for you.

To typefast - RLee

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I just went back and read what you had written on a thread under my orginal post, but I had to look for "typefast" - I think you hit the nail right on the "correct" head - lol

All the best, and a word for you:) - MDI/trans MT

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I am happy for you, if you are happy:) After you told us about your troubles, and "Angel", I also contacted her to find out a little info about her company. She also told me she was waiting for more accounts. If you don't mind, I want to respectfully give you some advice "from one who has been there, done that for years." I have worked for a few national companies, some of the best, and it has been my experience, and I am sure the experience of many MTs out there, that eventually they all follow the same pattern. What is happening right now is not new, but it began some years ago, and our profession has changed forever, which is a sad thing to watch. It will never, ever go back to the way it was because this is way of business now and in the future. As far as your friend Angel is concerned I do wish her well, but keep looking for other possibilities out there, and don't count on this person for quite awhile. She is scoping things out now, asking questions, and seeing what the MT world is really like, although you said she had been an MT. Something sends up warning signals to me about her business, and I would do as others suggested and check out her business. Ask her some pointed questions and see if she is a registered business owner, who her customers are, what her income base is right now, does she have a contract with her employees, is she licensed and bonded. You have a right to ask her anything you like. I think it is a little odd that she is "recruiting" now when her business is not on a solid footing, although she may be thinking ahead. I have nothing against this person, but it takes more than promises to start a company. If she is looking for people to work for her, then she should already be semi-established. I know it is refreshing to find someone who says the things she says, but anyone can come here and claim anything they want. I think also that there have been suggestions that you get further experience in different fields of medicine, which is a good idea, or else you may have very little choice when it comes to jobs in the MT field. All nationals now require that you have experience in several different fields of medicine or they will not hire you. Please, just take this advice as being from someone who cares about your future, and has been there through many, many years of being an MT, a supervisor and trainer. I wish you all the best, just watch out for yourself and be wary of any future job and do some research on any future employers.

I've read your posts about Transcend and - Janet

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am rooting for your success. Please keep us posted.

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