A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Heads up. Everybody's credentials need to be verified. Saw on - jj

Posted: Dec 29, 2009

the news that a new company has sprung up fabricating resumes to give those folks with no experience some experience and education.  All those claiming to be CMTs need to be checked.  Word has it, this too is going on along with some name changing to confuse the issue.

Does the AHDI site still have a place to verify CMT's? - Employers have always verified mine easily. nm

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? this is MQ, since when did they give feces about CMT certification - L&L

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When I told my sups I got mine, they just basically said, "Nice."

I changed my name - hallux abductovalgus

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I am not certified, are they getting picky now? I changed my name in case. Am I in trouble? Trouble? Trouble? Or toooo much eggnog stuff?

I've always wondered about this "virtual" hiring world - Chevron bunionectomy now in progress

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It seems like a person trying to get hired for a virtual job, who never sees his/her employer, never has to send anything in except faxes and xeroxes and emails, has almost unlimited potential for reinventing herself should the creditors, IRS, or previous relationships come looking for her old identity... Just sayin'

No, hallux abductovalgus, I don't think you have had too much eggnog yet! :)

hey watch it girlfriend - Bunion

[ In Reply To ..]
Are you trying to get rid of me with the bunionectomy comment? Boo hoo.

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