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Newbies and Students - About AHDI credentials ... - please sm

Posted: Jan 06, 2010

A certificate of completion (of your course or education program) does not make you a CMT.

The AHDI (Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity) offers 2 different credentials:  RMT (for those with less experience) and CMT.   Both credentials require passing a challenge exam and continuing education credits to maintain (every 3 years). 

If you think that it doesn't matter whether you obtain an RMT or CMT credential through the AHDI, just think of it this way: 

1.  You can work without the RMT or CMT credential - true.  However, credentialing is a way to recognize your skill set professionally. 

2.  You can earn MORE money with the RMT or CMT credential.  

This link on the AHDI website shows you which companies recognize and reward credentialing. 



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