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Heads up to the MT's being picked to death. sm - chillywilly

Posted: Dec 11, 2009

Hi folks, I'm an MME and just want to know that I don't like picking your reports to death.  When I have to correct a report, I usually leave comments to help you along.  However, we were told that if anything is missing from the ADT screen, or if we see 1 little mistake, we have to review the whole report.  If the ADT screen is correct, then, unless you're on 100%, we just correct where the QA marker is.  I can't tell you how many times the date of service is left off or other things that are supposed to be in the ADT screen, according to the profile, are left off and I have to review the whole thing at $0.03 a line.  I even leave notes so that the next time the MT can fill in the ADT correctly and not have me nit-pick the report.  It really sucks.  So, if you don't want the report nit-picked, fill in the ADT screen correctly, so I won't have to.  Also, I was wondering, does anybody read the comments that are left for them?  If you don't, please post a note here, and I won't bother leaving them any more, and just continue to nit-pick away.  You guys don't want to be nit-picked and I don't want to nit-pick, so why don't we just work together and maybe everybody can be happy.  Thank you for your time.

To chillywilly - huh?

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I don't get very many comments and would appreciate them so as to know what the MME is thinking sometimes.

As far as ADT, you can't make up what doesn't exist. There is an account where they don't give you the info and a lot of it doesn't populate.

Huh? - chilly willy

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Let me give you an example. One of the accounts says if no date is dictated, enter the date of dictation into the date of service. Sounds easy, right? Yet, 8 times out of 10, it doesn't get filled in. Of course on other accounts, if it isn't there, you can't fill it in, you're right. However, when there are instructions to fill in things with "none, none,MD" or fill in the date of service with whatever is in the date of dictation, isn't that pretty simple? That is what drives me nuts.

yep - huh?

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I have to say that I fully understand what you mean.

However, I am particular about filling that stuff in. None of my particular accounts actually say to fill in with none, none, MD, and I do have one that I come across that does allow the date of dictation as date of service. I am particular about following what the account says.

I always leave a QA note as to why an ADT field - dnr

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was not filled in, such as the resident didn't dictate who is the signing nonresident physician. It's very frustrating that doctors continue making the same omissions, so I have the message in my word expander. Protects my butt, MQ's butt and that way you don't have to reinvent the wheel every time or try to read my mind.

Also an MME and was not told the same things - you were told. I was told:

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that if I happened to see a major error in the report as I was going from blank to blank, then I had to do 100% QA -- but not for a "little mistake."

I was not told to do 100% QA for ADT problems at all. Those problems are addressed with an ADT Feedback note.

I too leave lots of notes because my 1st and 2nd QCs (I'm on my 3rd now) stated I needed to provide the BOS 2 reference every time I made that sort of a correction, the Internet link if applicable, or reference to the CP or MQ Guidelines.

All of this is very time consuming at 3 cpl but I had hoped the notes were being read.

Holy cow! That's beyond the call of duty! - dnr

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That's way too big of a requirement for 3 cents. Maybe write the reference for gross errors, but certainly not for all those inconsequential commas. Although, if all the MMEs had to do this, maybe there would be some consistency in QA'ing and the MTs wouldn't be going so nutty because we adjust and comply with what was corrected in one document only to be corrected for that change in another document.

I do read any QA notes I see. Unfortunately, - kiki

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I rarely see any. Usually just the correction with no explanation. I'm sure it's because MMEs don't get paid enough though, just like we don't get paid enough to search for things like when a dictator refuses to spell a doctors name for a CC, an obscure city, and the like.

So that's why I end up spending so much - time looking up names of

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other doctors and cities and medical facilities and living facilities ? Because MTs think they do not get paid enough to "search for things like (that)" ? I thought they just didn't know how to do effective internet searches and I have been detailing how I find the information to fill in all those blanks, assuming they had done exhaustive but unfruitful searches before finally giving up and leaving blanks for the MMEs. Well... jeepers.... !

You must be in a different region - Dinosaur

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My region does things differently. It never ceases to amaze me how each region conducts protocol so differently. Especially after great efforts to make us all the same.

Question re feedback - Anon

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I appreciate the feedback comments, but have never figured out how to keep them on long enough to read the whole thing. I hover the mouse, but the text is only there for a second.

feedback - MME

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Click on the comments tab on the top right of the screen.

Thanks! I must be the only MT who didn't know that! NM - Anon

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I do not mind, unless... - dinged

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It really, really bugs me when an MME leaves me a message like "per BOS2, numbers are arabic," but the 2 numbers were next to eachother (insulin 70/30 ten units at bedtime) and then they change the sentence to insulin 70/30 given 10 units at bedtime. It is annoying that MMEs can change the sentence structure, but if I do it, then I am told TYPE VERBATIM (on my not verbatim accounts).

Or, "per BOS2, no apostrophe S on eponyms," but if they read BOS2 it says it is acceptable. WHY put a note in there that is INCORRECT?

I think there are some very good MMEs, however, I also think some stink and abuse their authority.

About MMEs leaving messages referring to - BOS-2

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I don't think this has anything to do with being a good MME versus abusing one's authority. It has to do with what the MMEs were told to do in training or by their QC or CCM. As one poster noted, this seems to be different according to the area we are in.

1. Numbers: BOS2 says either to recast sentence (for numbers starting a sentence) or write one out when juxtaposed.
2. About 's on eponyms: BOS2 says "acceptable" with 's -- but prefers no 's.

So depending on what your MME was told to do about the eponym situation, 's will either be left as ok or "corrected."

My first QC said we absolutely needed to go by what is BOS-2 preferred rather than what is just "acceptable." This would mean no 's on eponyms. Same QC said to always change numbers 1-9 to numerals (except when juxtaposed) because that is BOS-2 preferred. In training session, trainer said to "correct" the order of words. If dictator said "no clubbing or cyanosis" and MT put "no cyanosis or clubbing" -- it was to be corrected to what was dictated.

Our work is also being audited so I think we all try to follow our instructions as closely as possible. There is no "authority" to be "abused" in this situation since MMEs are not doing the audits that are graded. It is certainly in our best interest to put as few notes as possible given the time it takes to put them in. I have started putting fewer notes in the hopes I can eventually get above minimum wage with this 3 cpl pay scale.

In the North region, we were told the same thing, to - sm

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do 100% review if ANYTHING is wrong with the ADT.

nit picking - MME

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Right now 99% of the reports I QA are on 100% QA because of the work type, not the doctor or the MT. You all would be amazed at the stuff we see...words made up, words left out for who knows what reason, typos which I have to presume were ignored during spell check, and the ADT--don't even get me started! It seems to me that I put the same QA notes over and over to no avail. I do not like to nit pick, but if something is wrong, it's just wrong. Doesn't matter if it was a simple error. If I don't change it and then later get audited, I get in trouble. So if it comes down to me being nice and not nit picking so you don't get mad at me or I edit so I don't get in trouble, guess what? I'm going to edit it. I do not, however, change the order of words, i.e. no clubbing or cyanosis to no cyanosis or clubbing. That's just ridiculous! Even though it takes time, I do try to document why I changed something even though it seems nobody is reading our notes anyway.

I think one of the reasons for making sure text is in - is in the order dictated

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rather than in the order of someone's autocorrect or autotext is that all straight transcription is in the process of being "learned" by ASR to eventually be switched over.

Right now about 7/10 of the reports I QA are 100% QA because of either the ESL or difficult-to-comprehend doctor or the MT/ME -- not because of the work type as is your case.

I am finding all of the same "stuff" you mention above--the invented words and also words/phrases/whole sentences just left out. (I assume this is because they are not understood.)

I too put the same QA notes over and over. They get shorter and more succinct as the shift wears on. I start wanting to capitalize words and add exclamation points when I put the same notes for the same MTs/MEs multiple times. When it gets to that point I e-mail the specifics to the CCM.

Having to un-number numbered lists or number un-numbered lists is also very time consuming and could be so easily avoided -- just follow CP or MQ Guidelines, whichever one is applicable.

And yes, a lot of the picky editing I do is because I know I will at some point be audited and I know my QC will be picky.

nit picking - MME
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You make a valid point, but we have been "teaching" ASR for years now. It is not a willing student. I too want to put my notes in caps and add exclamation points. It is so frustrating to add the same note over and over.

To chillywilly - ORMT

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You must be the only one who leaves comments as I have NEVER gotten one comment, but would like to see explanations, tips, etc. I would read them as they may prevent another QA marker later on.

I rarely read them anymore. Why? Because (a) much - of the "correction" is truly nit-picking, s/m

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and usually makes no difference to the correctness of the report, meaning of a sentence, patient care, safety, etc; (b) Many "corrections" are contradicted by further "corrections" the very next day, (c) and some of the "corrections" are incorrect, according to company job description and/or the "Holy-Book". (the so-called B.O.S.), and finally, (d) I don't need a big chunk of my puny income going towards antacids.

I read all QA notes - MDIMT

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If a QA has to take the time to correct a report because I cannot make something out, then I owe them the respect to read and learn from my mistakes..that is a no brainer and that is my work that is being turned out, and I want it to be correct. So, thanks QA for listening to some pretty horrible stuff that I cannot make out from terrible dictators..your job is not an easy one.

I do read comments. - Angie

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I am not one of the complainers about MME, but yes, I do always read comments and I appreciate those. It is also really nice when I am left a positive comment about my work.

It's nice to know that somebody pays attention. sm - chillywilly

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I really appreciate the comments and feel better that we pretty much want the same thing, to produce a good report and work together. Your comments really help and show me that at least with you all, the comments aren't a waste of time.

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