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Can this be true? - anon

Posted: Nov 11, 2010

I think full-time MT/ME's with benefits are required to do 150 lines per hour or 1200 for an 8-hour shift, right?  Full-time without benefits and part-time need 100 lines per hour.

If the poster below is correct about newbies getting 4-cents per line ASR (no mention of how much for transcription), that means full-time with benefits will get $6 per hour = $48 per day = $240 per week = $12,480 per year, NOT including fed and state taxes, Medicare and Social Security.  This isn't even close to minimum wage.

Did I miscalculate? 






It is 125 for PT and FT without bennies. sm - ExMgr

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They won't keep you if you do the min production.

If doing the minimum production keeps you on the minimum wage report each payperiod, they will terminate you.

They will not tolerate that for an extended period of time.

Minimum wage is the higher between state and federal. Federal currently is $7.25 an hour.

You'll be looking for a job soon if you don't get off that minimum wage report each payperiod.

Does this mean - minimum lines

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will actually have to be higher than 125 PT and 150 full-time then?

Disagree - anon

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I've never heard of the line rate being increased from 100 to 125 for PT and FT w/o bennies.

You can't be fired if you make your required line count. It wouldn't make sense to set line requirements and then fire you if you meet them. If they only want to pay 4-cents a line, almost everybody would be getting minimum wage, since it's higher than you can earn even making your line count.
You are very, very wrong. You can be fired for it. sm - ExMgr
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It is a catch-22 of sorts. You may well meet the minimum production standard. However, if you are still on the minimum wage report you will not last. They are losing money on you each payperiod as long as you are on that report. Being on the minimum wage report means that you did not produce enough work to cover your own cost to employ. They WILL let you go if you do not get off that report. It is strictly monitored every single payperiod.

There are some states that the Q has negotiated their contract with to pay the state's minimum wage instead of the federal. There are also a handful of states that have specific employment guidelines as far as pay and hour regulations.

Let's be very real here for a moment, though. It is important to note that they can terminate you at any time for any reason or for no reason. It is not something they want to go around doing, letting people go without cause or at least without giving them an opportunity to improve, but they can and they DO do it.

I have seen several MTs lose their position because they are on the minimum wage report on a consistent basis, even though they were meeting their minimum production requirements.

You can be fired for it.

On the flip side, I can also tell you that there are many who are doing ASR and making well above minimum wage so the Q knows that it can be done. Even at 4 cents/line, there are some who are consistently producing 400-500 lines/hour and that $16 to $20 hourly is above any minimum wage cost. They have data to back it up.

Your safest approach is to get your production up. Perhaps speak with HR to understand exactly what the negotiation with your state is so you know what you need to at least meet in order to stay off the minimum wage report.

Just don't sit there and think they can't or won't fire you. An attitude like that makes you a sitting duck.


ha.......ha......ha - exasperated
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Thanks for the much-needed laugh with that bull- go-get-em speech!
Just for the record - anon
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I started this thread as a hypothetical situation, not mine. I think if anyone got fired for producing the required lines, we would have heard about it on MTStars loud and clear. You simply will not be fired if you meet your goal line count.
Doubt it. Most don't even know this board - is here.
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Okay, tell me this.. - sm
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If you're running out of work on a daily basis, how are you supposed to meet the minimum (or more)? I, and many, many others, I'm sure, are flexing our lives away trying to make up lost time due to NJA. I'm here 7 days a week, so I can't be any more flexible than that.
The minimum is per hour not per payperiod. sm - ExMgr
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The hours are not important. It is your line/hour average that puts you on the minimum wage report.

You can still meet your minimum or more lines/hour regardless of how many hours you work.

You don't realize just how often some of us - are running out of work
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I run out of work on a daily basis. There are days when I've had about 10-15 jobs all day, and a day that I had no work at all. I have read posts from employees here who can go for several days in a row with no work, even when they are set up to work in multiple accounts. How do you meet your production requirements when you are not being sent the work to do in order to meet them?
because you shouldn't be clocked in - when you have NJA
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Clock in and log into DQS when you have work. Clock out and log out when you don't. Then just log in periodically to see if anything comes in. That's what I was told. If you have only 1 job in an 8-hour scheduled shift that was 200 lines and it took you an hour to type it, you just typed 200 lph, meeting the requirement. If you remain clocked in throughout your whole shift even with no work and only did that 1 report, then you'd be in trouble for not meeting production, but you're in trouble anyway for staying clocked in.
I don't stay clocked in.. - after the 15 minutes..nm
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Seems to me MQ would be saving money if they paid everyone minimum wage... nm - oldMQMT
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just my opinion......

100 for PT and FT without benefits - Wendi970

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MQ could not terminate you if you were working according to their own standards. That's absurd. Minimum wage or not, if the MT is making the minimum lines per hour (100), they cannot terminate.

They can. They do. They have. I thought it was unfair, too. - ExMgr

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It was pushed down from the executive team. We didn't even have a choice. After an MT had been on that report consistently, they were terminated.

I agree that it really seems absurd.

Again, they can fire you without any cause at all but certainly if you do not make enough money so they have to pay you outside of your production value, they most certainly can and (more importantly) will do it.

Yes, I am a former manager with the Q for more than 5 years. It became too much, especially with the near 100 MTs I had to manage and more than $2M in business.

Even more absurd was the fact that when I had MTs who wouldn't show up to work or consistently failed audits, I had to performance manage those employees. I had to give them chances to improve. But those who were on the MWR did not have that option.

Can and do - Wendi970
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I'm sorry, but MQ is still making millions off MTs being paid minimum wage. Our wages have dropped dramatically and MQ is, in fact, pushing and shoving our wages in that direction specifically because they want a wider profit margin (oh, and because they want us to run so they can send ALL the work to India). If someone is/was fired for achieving the line count but making minimum wage, MQ would be a lawsuit waiting to happen. You cannot fire or PM an employee for working according to the company's own written guidelines. BTW, what is absurd anyway about PM'ing and firing an employee who did not show up for work or for failing audits?
Not on US MT work, they are not. I'm just telling you what is happening. - ExMgr
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Obviously the corporate spear-head does not reason out all of their practices with all first and second-line management.

Yes, you can fire someone for any reason and for NO reason. It's just pure naivity to think otherwise.

You cannot sue them successfully over being fired because your employment with them is at-will. You can leave at any time and they can let you go at any given time.

Sorry, but whether you like what I'm saying or not doesn't change the facts of what is happening.

No need to say sorry to me - Wendi970
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Just because a company can do something does not mean they will or are. That's a weak argument for what you are saying, especially since you are making a point about MedQuist. Much as I dislike MQ, they are not in the habit of arbitrarily firing MTs without a legitimate reason (they have, however, had lay-offs and cutbacks, as well as perfomance management - but even PM has phases and they do give the MT a chance). As far as your blanket statement, please read: Most workers in the United States are employed at will, a term that essentially means they can quit -- or be fired -- without reason. But does that mean employees have no protection from their employers' whims?

That's what this worker wonders:

I work in Virginia, which is an "at-will" state. Does that mean if you are fired or laid off there's no recourse at all?

MOST states and the District of Columbia are considered at-will states, says Bill Bethune, a Washington lawyer who handles corporate cases. This means that employers can fire an employee just as freely as a worker can quit for another opportunity. (Different states have varied exceptions to that general rule, notes Bethune, such as probationary periods after which firings must be for cause.)

So does that mean workers employed at will have no options if they are let go? It does not, says Bethune. The right to dismiss workers at will is not absolute.

At-Will - Jax
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I live in a Right To Work State. You can be fired here for NO reason and you have absolutely no recourse for it regardless of why they fired you (and they don't have to give a reason either). It may fly that way in your state, but it doesn't in all of them.

100 for PT and FT wo Benefits - Wendi970

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Any MQ MT can go to MQCentral, Departments, Human Resources, Policies, and find the handbook was updated in October 2010. In the rewards section for MTs, it plainly states the minimum lines per hour is 150 for FT with benefits and 100 per hour for PT and full time without benefits. It also plainly states that after February of this year, ASR is paid at 4 cents per line. I'm not sure who the person posting who is a "manager" is, but it's not an MQ manager.

Can't find anything about 4 cents - anon

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Thanks, Wendi. I thought the 150 FT with bennies and 100 PT and FT w/o bennies was right, but now I read it in the official handbook. I maneuvered all around in MQCentral and didn't see anything about the 4-cents, although a lot of things that looked like a likely spot wouldn't open. I wonder if it will be 4-cents for everybody or just newbies? No way can I afford that drastic a cut in pay - my pay's crappy enough as it is.
I saw it in there last night when I checked - sm
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I can't remember exactly where, I think it was on the code of conduct page. I checked a box, clicked view documents and then clicked on the MT Rewards Plan link. It was in there somewhere.

It is 125for PT and FT without bennies - junquequeen

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PT is 100 lph unless they changed it recently. some people have been on minimum wage for quite sometime and are still working.

It really really really is 100 lines per hour, not 125 - Wendi970

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This can easily be found in the MQ handbook. I have worked for MQ for 15 years and it has been 100 lines per hour for FT without benefits and PT sinc I've worked here. It is in the handbook - which I am not allowed to copy and paste here.

I wonder how many MTs would jump ship - Just imagine

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if for Christmas, MQ decided to give us all 4 cents a line for ASR and ST. Not trying to stir the pot, just wouldn't put it past them with the Q's history.

I'd be soooo gone. - Shipwrecked

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I seem to remember that they always drop these bombs on us right around Christmas. I think that's when they told us that ASR was going from a 20% reduction to 40%.

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