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It's true. Night shift gets the bottom of the barrel. - sicky

Posted: Sep 10, 2013

Just signed into my account to get some extra in because of OOW for the past month, at least.  Surprise, surprise. What I have been reading is true!  The worst of the worst dictators are on and only them.  Gosh, it seems like there is some cherry picking going on, perhaps from overseas?  Unbelievable.  Hardly worth the frustration. Not one good one out of the bunch.  Boy, don't we work for some POS people? 

Cherry picker - Sadie

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I have worked night shift for years and can absolutely verify what you are saying is true, but overseas may not be the only issue... Check out the lovely cherry picker's post here...


I so agree that this is - cherry pickin

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there are a bunch of these types of people where I work too... the shorter notes come up and everybody disappears. Any good notes come up and there are people coming out of the woodwork to do them! We have complained, as well, but nothing changes. These people all have other accounts to work on in the interim so when they log off and let "others" do the shorter notes, they are essentially stealing... and logging on to a shift that is not yours, "just to catch up on some lines due to OOW," is ALSO stealing. I surely would not come onto this site and complain about it either!! STAY ON YOU OWN SHIFT!! Some of the rest of us need to make a living too, even if it IS short notes because the other dogs want to scarf them all up. OHHH this makes me so angry!

It's called "flexing" and suggested by our TSMs - xx

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so too bad for you if you are scheduled. I have a family to feed and if I have to "flex" then I will.
Why is it I see xx really smarting off with many - on this board, others noticing?
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This person seems to have always gotten up on the wrong side of the bed with smarta** cracks to most posting here. I have learned lately that if you see the xx, then perhaps should just skip to read something enjoyable.
me too - and she has
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smarted off to me personally many times. she must be one of the cherry pickin that thinks she is "entitled" to everybody else's work because she "has a family to feed." I guess the rest of us are supposed to go hungry because she is more "important" than everybody else. People like this cause road rage, a hostile environment, and think they are better and know more than everybody else. People like this are usually in for a rude awakening in life. She may also be a politics board reject and taking her smart cracks out on everybody else. I will not acknowledge her presence any longer. She probably has no friends in "real life" either. poor thing. (not)
Yesterday she said Trayvon Martin deserved to - to be "exterminated"
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and George Zimmerman did us all a favor.

I get some people have differing opinions on the verdict of the trial, but I don't think many people would say a 17-year-old kid deserves extermination because he's gotten into some trouble. I just don't understand how anyone can wish death on another person.

You will see this on a lot of boards, especially political. They are paid to do it by certain groups - econ101
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and half the time I don't think the ones here are MTs, especially on the political board.
Have wondered if paid agents come here, but - am sure many trolls are not MTs. nm
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I never knew this - good to know
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I have often wondered how those so-called MTs were able to sit on the politics board all day and spew their hatred, and still get work done. I confronted a few of them myself, and they did sort of admit they were from other political boards, but never said they were not MTs. They should not be allowed. They are one hateful group!! Thanks for sharing this info. I never would have thought somebody would be "paid" to cause disruption like that. my goodness...what a way to earn a living!!!
paid agents?? you must be delirious!!! HAHAHA - mtr
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I'm having a hard time understanding why anyone - would pay someone
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to troll a sub-forum of a transcription board.

I'm frequently working after 11 p.m., and I can tell you....sm - LoveMT

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that I sit here and watch A LOT of really good dictators just disappear right out from under 5 or 6 perfectly AWFUL ones and completely out of the "order" that the work is SUPPOSED to be taken in.

You're so right when you say "cherry pickin" and I definitely believe it's cherry pickin from overseas because I was told that they only work after 8 or 9 p.m. I know that those of us here on U.S. soil don't have the capability of pulling whatever we "want" or "feel like" doing, so guess who that leaves?

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