A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Is it true that employees at Amphion had to work mandatory OT all summer long? - curious

Posted: Jan 29, 2011

Wow.  That stinks.  I like to enjoy my summers.  I was thinking about applying to them, but I don't know now.  I've heard about the same amount of negatives that I've heard positives about this company...  Any other opinions out there?   

Mandatory OT - x-Amphion

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It's only on certain accounts and it's only an hour a day.

And, of course, you got paid OT for that, right? - Or are you CPL? nm

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cpl plus half - x-Amphion

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That's the other thing. Trying to figure out your paycheck was like a master's level calculus course.

My figures never agreed with theirs and theirs always had a "well, this is how we do it" attached to it.
oh and - x-Amphion
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you weren't entitled to that OT pay until you reached over 40 hours. So you had to pay attention to when the last pay period ended because you might think well, I've worked Monday-Friday and I've worked 48 hours and then find out Monday was last day of the prior pay period so you really only worked 40 hours :)
My platform I can see all jobs and see how I am paid, which - is not always good. ALL platforms SM
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are skewed in favor of the MTSO, at least all I have worked on. Just have to decide which one screws you less.
Disliked Amphion - X-Amphion too
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Did not like them at all. I left about 3 years ago. Was on a very, very difficult account where the account specs were like a small novel, and they were constantly changing. At the time, this account had mandatory OT very frequently, sometimes for several months at a time, and if you had already volunteered to help out a fellow employee covering an hour here and there (they had a system where you could do this if you wanted to take time off but the schedule on a particular day could not allow any more MTs to be off), they would expect you to complete your 8 yours, the extra hour you volunteered for and then the extra hour of mandatory OT. Can you say carpal tunnel? AND there were no exceptions ... it was pretty much demanded of you. On top of that, they had the pickiest, most derogatory QA department I have encountered in 20 years in this business with monthly QA reviews that could result in lost wages and if you were subpar that month, you went through a week of them combing over every single report you do (which is very stressful). After 1-1/2 years of this with the last 3 months of my time there in mandatory daily OT and them still expecting absolutely perfect quality ... I threw in the towel. Worst place I have ever worked. After being gone for several years now, I still feel relieved to have left them.
IMO, MTs should ask to see how their pay is calculated. - All they would need to do is show YOU SM
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document they figure your pay on. My platform, that document has all the document broke down and all the numbers. That document is available to them somewhere, they arent just guessing. Why shouldnt you see concretely how your pay is figured. Btw, you will be SHOCKED if you ever get this info.
How many men do you know who "kinda have an idea" - how they are paid. I think MTSO SM
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counts on the fact that women usually dont feel comfortable talking about money. Just like most women, if cheated out of pay, will just forget about it and not pursue it.
You will notice my Nickname - X-Amphion
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Because I want to know to the quarter of a cent how my pay is figured and VERIFIED. At Amphion, I'd be told well this is how we figured A and this is how we figured B (and they of course were not the same figuring). Didn't take long for me to say this isn't my place to donate my time.

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