A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

IT'S TRUE ! HALLELUJAH ! - WithYouOnThis - Would like to talk with you

Posted: Dec 02, 2011

about this as there is strength in numbers...


Posted: Nov 28th, 2011 - 2:45 am

I called my parents' lawyer; this post is RIGHT ON! MTSOs have used semantics to rip us off for the past decade.  They DO have to pay minimum wage !  We do NOT work "production", as MTSO's claim. The term for compensation method regarding our work type is "tiered incentive"; there is an actual base hourly rate, which is what PTO 'per hour' time is designated and paid out at (in my case $12.00, almost $4.00 more than minimum wage in my state), and anything over and above a mandatory line rate per day is paid additionally as incentive.

If we let this issue die here, this industry dies and we are all dinosaurs, even those just out of school, because there will be no future.

You MUST check with employment law lawyers, not your state Dept of Labor; the DOL at the state level has been giving out the wrong information since at least 2002, because they didn't have the very definition of our duties.'

If we don't all act on this now, we are doomed.  With the law on our side, any of us who accepts the newest low - which for one company is 0.024 per line for editing for US MT editors - we are cutting the throats of all US MTs in this industry, betraying ourselves, our fellow MTs. We watched editing go from 0.065 to 0.035 in years, and most of us just accepted it.  We have watched carefully for the past 4 years, and VR has proven imperfect even after time.  Therefore, VR editing will not be obsolete for several years to come, the OS companies have proven that they cannot submit work without editing, and now that we know that we didn't have to accept the crumbs they tossed us, it's time to collect our due.

Get 1 free question answered by employment lawyers - you'll find their web sites and phone numbers listed online by Googling Employment Law - then author and send emails to your employers (leads, supervisors and members of the board), include cc's to the Department of Labor in your state, as well as the federal DOL office in Washington, DC.

Only we can do this; we have seen that no one will champion our cause... not since AAMT went AHDI.

We're on our own; we must demand what we have worked so hard for, and that which is rightfully ours by law.

(p.s.  ANYONE who calls me a whiner, disagrees with our need to move fast on this, or states it's not true, is either a frightened MTSO or an MT with absolutely no self esteem, one who would accept 0.024 and sell us all out.)

The point of the original post was - to inform MTs of

Posted: Nov 28th, 2011 - 9:13 pm In Reply to: Who is "upset?" Get over yourself. - sm

their rights even if they've been misinformed by the Department of Labor. Of course we've heard of the DOL. We're not stupid. That's the first place I called when, after coming off unemployment and about a month into my new FT 40/WK EMPLOYEE POSITION, I started running out of work. I was put in a spot where I was sitting with no work and making no money; however, if I quit (that you be taking your advice about why would anyone work for a compnay like that, right?), I would be either ineligible for unemployment or it would have to go through a review process, after which I could still be declined. When I explained the situation to the dunce on the other end of the phone at the DOL, I was basically told that I was SOOL because I was paid on "production." When I explained that I was required to check my computer for 8 hours during a set schedule (actually comparing the situation to hiring a secretary for 8 hours a day and then not paying them because the phone didn't ring that day), I was again told that I was SOOL because I worked from home. When I asked if I would be entitled to partial unemployment if I had to go to an office, I was told yes. When you speak to the DOL, it's like talking to a wall, and I'm sure I'm not the first MT who has been in this situation... getting completely WRONG information from the DOL. They're useless.

The OP has gone out of their way to provide information that will benefit MTs who have gone through this which is greatly appreciated. Your post and the insinuation that we're too dumb to know what the DOL is, however, is not appreciated.


Scat Hit Fan - 2, 3, 4, 5th MTs To Court - ItsSimple

Posted: Nov 29th, 2011 - 10:02 pm In Reply to: Anyone who MT/MEs for minimum wage - is making a terrible mistake.

...today. Apparently, when PTO is paid out as hourly, the wages must be paid in the same manner. Two MTs filed in court today in different states, one was fired for bogus reason without backup documentation, and one had lawyer meet with employer. All the same company.

Minimum wage - Anonymous

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Is that minimum wage in the state where you are located or the state where the company is located. My state has the highest minimum wage in the US but the company may not choose to honor that. Don't call people at DOL "dunces" unless you know that for a fact. Lord only knows what that person thinks about you.

Ummm... I'm the one who - sm

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wrote the portion of the post calling the guy from the DOL I spoke with a dunce. The OP is a copy and paste from several posts in a thread below to bring it back up to the top due to it's importance.

And... everyone I've spoken to at the DOL concerning this subject has been a Dunce (with a big D). Well... lemme correct that. They're either dunces because they give out wrong information because they can't understand what is correct OR they're incompetent because they give out wrong information because it's convenient for them... AKA they're bad at their job. So... either dunce or incompetent. Take your pick. As for what they think about me... I really don't think they think, so it doesn't matter too much. If you'd like to get a feel for what they're like, call the DOL and ask the question you asked in your first sentence. You'll likely get a response that goes something like "uhhhh....I dunno."

I thank WithYouOnThis again for getting this info out there and trying to help MTs who have hit the DOL dead end.

Oh my... excuse my grammar/typos - talk about dunce/nm

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Amen sister! - Raydonia

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The companies are very VERY aware of all this. One employee where I work (starts with a T) who is new, in training, was actually told by her team leader to CHANGE HER TIMECARD because with the hours she was working and the lines she was making so far, she would be paid less than minimum wage. Poor soul, she didn't follow up on it, but you can tell from that, this is an issue that could explode in their laps. Hear! Hear!

This is true, Raydonia. The problem is that - companies turn it back SM

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on you and will not accept responsibility for their part in this lie that must be told over and over again. If you don't agree to do this, you will be looked at as not meeting company standards as far as line counts per hour/day. If I average 200 lph on VR, but my VR pay is so low that I am still below minimum wage, I would have to lie and say it took me 3 hours to make those lines versus the true 5 hours I actually worked. If I don't do this, they turn it back on me.

Simple, keep track of your REAL time and lines - on the side. After a while, you can

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refuse to participate in this lie cause you will have proof of the truth. Proably best to talk to lawyer to find out just what you need to do.

Each job has time stamp so easy to track how much - time it really took to get your lines. nm

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how long did it take? - ab
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Yes, there is a counter...I wonder why the companies don't use it and insist on the sham of filling out a time card? I've actually wondered about that for a long time....
They insist on the sham cause otherwise they have - to pay overtime. Say it takes SM
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you 10 hours to make XXX lines. But you are a full time employee and legal wise they should pay you overtime for going over your 8 hr shift. Of course, they dont want to do that so tell you to lie on your timesheet so it appears you made those XXX lines in your legal 8 hour shift. But if this was brought before the DOL or a court, it would be easy to see it really took you 10 hours to make those lines just by checking the timestamps to see how long it really took you to make those lines. And what MTSO is gonna want to present their bogus records to a court that show you worked 8 hours but the timestamps tell the real truth, that it took you 10 hours to make those lines.
Plus one posted her DOL told her if time off is calculated - with an hourly calculation, the
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MTSO legally must also pay on an hourly configuation. This is like MQ figuring your PTO based on lines per hour, they should then be paying per hour, not this crap production rate.

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