A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

What Allied Medical Schools told me... is THIS true? - questioning validity

Posted: May 12, 2010

A representative from Allied Medical Schools told me this:


Our program is designed to prepare you for not only the career, but also for the AAPC’s CPC-A exam which is the first certification you can obtain as a new medical coder. The AHIMA certification requires a degree program that usually takes about 2 years to complete and to pursue that, you must already have your CPC-A certification. Some employers may ask for a AHIMA cert but there are plenty of employers that do not and that means you can start working sooner, gaining great on the job experience while working towards your AHIMA certification.


nope - nm

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No, see msg - JM

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Incorrect: You can obtain whatever you choose. With AHIMA, RHIT/RHIA require a degree program, but CCS, CCS-P, CCA require only a high school diploma. They strongly recommend other various experience, check it out for yourself here: http://www.ahima.org/certification/. With AAPC, you can take AAPC exams also whenever you choose. They require 2 years of medical coding experience OR 80 hours education and one year of work experience for a CPC, CPC-H, or CPC-P, BUT if you do not have this, you can still take their exams and obtain these credentials as an CPC-A, CPC-H-A, CPC-P-A (apprentice) and the A will be dropped when you have the two years in. Check it out here: http://www.aapc.com/certification/

I believe they are mistaken. - nm

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