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Okay, so in my experience in trying to be compliant on making up time and "switching" swapping time when I had a funeral to attend. No problem picking up the times, but here is what happens. When I have had NJA or something happened which required a 30 min here or there I wanted to pick up and make up the hours. Well, in theory it would seem to be good; but in reality it ADDED hours to my schedule and kept my original 24 hours per week. This "swap" board does not have a way of just adding hours to those missed (for whatever reason, NJA, computer glitches) making up the deficit.
I know I am being clear as mud. Here is my example of what happened to me. I am normally scheduled 24 hours a week. Most Pay periods I have 48-49 hours; others have no more than 52 hours to be scheduled. A pay week I was sick and could not work a 2-hour shift I had. Okay, it was too late to put it on swamp board, but I was told just pick up the missed hours from someone else on the other days left in my payperiod. I did, and ended up with 69 HOURS that my timesheet in SS told me I had to work that pay period. Oh man. Then I was told just unclaim the shifts???? You can't do that if they have already passed!!!!. So, guess what, we MTs are left with being out of compliance... I still have not been able to make myself understood about this.
With lockout we have to claim more time, but it adds it does not Swap!!!!
Yep a real murky Catch 22 swamp land.... Has anyone else seen this, or am I just a confused trooper here? Would it be remiss to put it on the suggestion "box" MQ has about questions and comments?