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Nice comment from doctor - Happy MT Robin

Posted: May 11, 2010

Just finished a consult from one of my docs, and he's a little hoarse today, but not bad and at the end he says "and apologies to the transcription ladies.  I know my voice is not necessarily the best for dictating today, and thanks for bearing with me."

It sure is nice when they acknowledge that there is actually a person on the other end who is listening to them.

I love it when they do that - me

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I had one OBGYN at my last job who always said "Thank you, have a nice day, and God bless." at the end of all his dictations. He stopped doing it for a while and we thought maybe he was reprimanded for saying God bless or something, but he started back up again, so I don't know what happened with that. He was a good dictator too. I miss that guy.

I remember one like that... - CrankyOldBroadOnTheBeach

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It was one of the WORST ESL dictators I had EVER transcribed... and then at the end, he said, "Thank you for your trouble to take this dictation, God bless you, please."

And I decided I liked him after all. ;)

Dictator comment- sm - anon

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I had one that started the day by saying "Good morning, you look lovely today!" Made me smile every morning.

I have a few - Marine Mom

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I have one that says "Thanks and have a good day".

I have another one that apologizes and she has to go back up and change things and she says "sorry about getting that out of order".

Then I have one guy who cracks me up all the time. He will ask you questions about the patient....like you can actually answer him!! He's hilarious

I had a radiologist who did that - me

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He would tell me the whole back story to the patient (luckly I was paid hourly). "By the way transcriptionist... it says here the reason this guy is having a right upper extremity x-ray is because he tried to jump from the roof of a house into a pool and missed... oy vey" or something along those lines. Totally cracked me up. He'd make jokes and was a total goob.

I had another radiologist on the night shift dictate each report in different accents depending on the patient's name. If it sounded Russian he'd dictate in a Russian accent, if it sounded like a souther belle name he'd dictate in a southern accent. Kept me on my toes ;-)

I love stories like these - Happy MT Robin

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It's so easy to get bogged down in the negativity, so I love hearing the funny stories and good times from everyone.

Thanks for sharing!

I have one really nice dictator too - makes my day every time

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First of all, he's a really good dictator. But at the end of his dictations, he never fails to say "Thank you so much for taking the time to do this dictation for me." Makes me smile every time.

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