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Any current employees at Keystrokes care to comment - MLS

Posted: Oct 24, 2012

Any current employees at Keystrokes care to comment on how things are there these days? 

you'll get mixed opinions. My experience was bad. It was a mistake. - on my never again list. SM

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experiences differ from one account to another. My account was set up so bad it was a joke, the platform was old and rancid, management was 'choosey' and training was the worst experience in my 20 years out there.

My experience only. Now DUCK, because the bashing will begin in 3...2...1...

I spent a few months with them. (sm) - MT

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Mixed review here. I think the company sees the value of morale, as evidenced by their employee survey, and promises to make some changes. However, a couple of their lead personnel were not at all respectful in their communications, when you were lucky enough to get a reply. I was written up for being 1 line off on my invoice which I thought was pretty lame. When I questioned this and explained that there were several reports I didn't even charge them for because I forgot to note the line counts they didn't even give the courtesy of a reply. I was pretty much on my own, without being bothered, but they did repremand not getting an immediate response from me when they sent an email on my days off. The main account I was stuck on had less than half decent dictators. The others you needed a booster to hear in addition to constantly adjusting the Windows volume. With dicatations that were only a few second long it was a hassle to keep adjusting the volume, then remembering to turn it down so the next doc wouldn't rupture your TMs. They would not tell the docs to speak up. If they try to stick you on an account that has the initials CC - watch out. You can't make your line counts because it requires so much research of demographics and re-listening to lousy dictators with loooong pauses. However the good dictators sounded great, they were just few and far between.

The good account that I had as back up never had work, but had a very nice and helpful supervisor. It unfortunately went to VR so they were very overstaffed on it. There were about 12 MTs for it but only 3 got work. We had to sign in, download the current updates, and check to see if there was work at least once daily. There was never work and this process took about 8 minutes (unpaid).

Their IT dept is extremely competent. I was very pleasantly surprised how good they were. The one I dealt with did seem condescending to MTs.

In the long run, I somewhat enjoyed working for the group, but could not make much money. I do feel the owners are trying to boost morale, which is admirable. If you are placed on an accoutn with ChartNet, that program is far superior to the other account I was stuck on, without all the manual unpaid duties.

True answers here SM - Budster

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The long reply about mixed reviews here is 100% accurate. Expect to not make much money and they will want you to clock out when there is no work - and to sit there and refresh your queue and wait for work without any base pay.

I'm very happy there and agree with a lot of your responses. sm - Happy KS MT

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I did not have a good experience when I first started with KS, for many of the reasons listed above. My supervisor was nasty, but she is gone now. I was on an account that was horrendous, and I did not make much money but was switched. It has been like night and day. The account I have been on for the past two years is wonderful, and we very rarely run out of work. My supervisor is great and very responsive. I have helped on a Chartnet account a few times when asked, and I wish I was on one full time. I love my account, but I think Chartnet is very easy to use.

I like a lot of the changes that they have been making, not all of them, but I see it getting better and better there. Not perfect, but definitely better than the others I have worked for.

I work there now and see a definite shift for the better over the last few months. sm - PickyOne

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I was on the verge of leaving because of my supervisor a few months ago, but she is gone now, and I am much happier. I really do think that they made some mistakes the last few years, but it is definitely getting better. I also think that they really care and it shows. Not so much for the last year, but getting back there now. I have been there 6 years, so I really didn't want to leave and I'm glad I stuck it out because it really is that much better.

Good luck!

AtKS2 - HappyatKS

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I am currently with Keystrokes. I am very happy with them. I have a great account. I can't complain at all. Very good choice that I made. Thank you Keystrokes!!!

Be prepared for an assortment of posts. There are many - me

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MTs very loyal to the Keystrokes owner, but there are just as many, or not more that did not have good experiences there. Those that are loyal tend to say that the others didn't do good work, didn't work their schedule, etc.

I would not work on a Meditech account. I thought the platform was terrible, and unless they have more than one account on Meditech, the account was pretty bad too. There was a 3-inch binder with all the account specs and physician rosters. Between the horrible platform and having to use a C-phone I was worn out at the end of the day.

I think it comes down to... - Melissa

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a couple of things: Who you have for a lead and what accounts you are placed on. I did two accounts and they were like night and day. One I could make almost the same line counts I did as an IC and the other account I was lucky if I could do 500 lines in an entire day. Some account require loads of busy and waiting for this and that. Others have great dictators and great platforms.

C-phone and being worn out...sm - Babbs

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Thank you for the comment about being worn out using a C-phone. I worked for a company for 2-1/2 years where I used a C-phone, had to write all the info down before the short reports, and there was lots of mandatory overtime, also. With the C-phone, overtime, and no count for spaces to boot, I completely burned myself out and actually found myself in the emergency room from anxiety and palpitations. I thought it was me and just was not cut out to be an MT. I don't know, it just feels better to hear affirmation that I am not the only one who gets worn out from the workload.

You aren't alone, Babbs. (nm) - Angie

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Low pay - KSMT

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I think the people are nice overall. It's difficult to make a decent wage with VR .04/L, considering the quality of dictators on my acct.

try 3 cpl at most other companies. I would love 4 cpl. nm - Longtimemt

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no thanks - lowball

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I wouldn't try .03/L. They have lots of openings, if you'd love the .04/L!
Low CPL - Marilyn
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And their line rate stinks for straight transcription and has recently been lowered and we were told it was permanent, so that's really a morale booster!

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