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To QA: I got a comment back stating to place the QA marker - right at the area in question....

Posted: Jan 04, 2010

I always thought I had been doing that, but I got this message more than once, so I'd like to see if any QA here can clarify this.  CCM has no idea what she means ????  I always understood to place the QA marker right where I hear the blank and that is what I thought I was doing.  Any suggestions or comments as to what could be happening?  I don't want to make the QA's job any more difficult than it already is.....  TIA.....

I'm not QA but . . . - Euro sepsis

[ In Reply To ..]
I have left QA markers, even rewinding and waiting until I got to exactly where the questionable dictation was before placing it. When I finished the report and went back to try to listen again, I've had a few that were way off (I had to listen to the complete sentence before it again). I tried to start noticing if there was a pattern, thinking maybe the doc was dictating really fast, but I still haven't come up with anything. I don't know why it does it for some markers but not others. It's interesting that someone else is having the same problem. I'm curious as to what could be happening.

QA Marker - TedEBear

[ In Reply To ..]
I wonder if you have the audio setting at a different speed than the QA person. That would make a difference.

You have to make sure the audio slider is at the exact point where - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
the blank is so that when they jump to it, the audio goes to the correct place. Some MTs just leave the audio position at the end of the report or wherever when they insert their markers, and that's a no-no.

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