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price to charge - ew

Posted: May 04, 2013

What would you charge for a private account if you had to use a printer and had to pick up and deliver the work?

Lots to consider...SM - Old Anon

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when pricing an account.

1. Will you be using a line counting program? I base mine on 65 characters, spaces, hard returns set in my program. If you have seen examples of the types of notes you'll be transcribing, is there a lot of bolding and underlining? I'd set up my line count to count that as well.
2. Do you know the volume of work? You can then do a rough estimate on the amount of paper and ink you'll be using and factor that cost in.

3. How far will you travel and how much time will it take to pick up and deliver? You can figure your cost per mile or use time spent, i.e., 1/2 hour at say, $20.00 per hour x the number of trips per billing period.

Establish your base to charge per line. Just as an example 0.10/line. Add in the cost of your paper/ink per invoice, maybe add another 0.02/line (based on your cost estimate), then your time spent traveling (based on your time estimate), maybe another 0.01/line. Add that up, which comes to 0.13/line. This is just a wild example, results will vary. Also include a charge to fax, one for local and one for long distance (just in case they want you to stat fax something. Include a charge for reprints of already transcribed work as offices are notorious for losing reports. Personally, I do not store their work beyond 2 invoices. If they want you to store their work on your PC, charge for that too.

Remember you need to put all this in writing as a contract and get it signed, as you are a business.

Lots to think about.

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