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Help me price this please? - anMT

Posted: Feb 09, 2012

How much would you charge per line (or hour) for a 4 doc family practice office?  I don't have the first clue but have just been given this opportunity after working at a national for 7 cpl straight typing. 

Lots of variables, not the least of which include - See message

[ In Reply To ..]
Demographics (where are you located, demographically speaking), the ease or difficulty of the dictators, what the office had previously been paying for services (and try to find out what happened with that relationship; i.e., if it was an in-house MT who retired, outsourced but they are bringing it back in-office, etc), and anything else you can find out.

I'm in California and had my last private accounts in a very prestigious area in 2003 and I was asking for and easily receiving $30 per hour, but things have surely changed since then, haven't they?

Good luck to you in your new endeavor!

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