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Just how much work to ya think MM gets done for 1/2 price by - putting MTs on performance management? nm

Posted: Sep 13, 2014


Maybe it's a ruse for the triad to get more money? - Val

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What is the nursery rhyme about the sheep? Little sheep, little sheep, have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full. One for my master, one for my mistress and one for the little girl who lives down the lane. In this case, one bag (0.1/line) for the TSM, one for the perf coach and one for the QA person?

The triad must benefit some way. Maybe this is their final skim before everything goes to India. I find that hard to believe, tho, b/c I don't think the Indians can do the crappiest crap dictators. Yet, the triad nag, nag, nag us after we have slogged thru some really rank stuff and missed a subject-verb agreement.

I posted this very same thought a few weeks ago. - L&L

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It is the easiest way in the world for them to save buckets of $$$. If they REALLY cared about quality, 90% of the work would not be going overseas.

Put me on performance management - sm

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Watch how fast I leave.. I hate this job so much probably be the best thing to happen to me, I need a kick in the tail I guess.
I have been put on PM and am composing my farewell Email. - It will be sent to the entire SM
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team as someone wasn't paying attention and sent out an email to all the team with all emails showing in as cc.
Also forwarding all interesting emails to my personal - email. nm
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I guess I missed your post. What day? - Val

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sick, sick, sick of it.

Don't they still have to pay you minimum wage, even - sm

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if you slow waaaay down to make sure you are 100% accurate... I think that's what I'd do until they either release me from PM or lay me off. If, or when, they do that to me, they won't bully me into quitting. I plan to draw unemployment and recover from this trauma a while before starting another job.

You make a good point. Yes, they do have to pay MUP, which they will not do for long. - And I have an IC job also, so dont know SM

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how unemployment works with that. Guess I need to make a phone call.

very true I thought the same thing - sm

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about minimum wage..and definitely want to be fired so I can sit back and de-stress for a while before I figure out my next move.

Which is what I had planned to do, - mt

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but everybody told me UE is only about 60% of wages and so now I've been offered another job and seriously thinking of taking it! Actually, paperwork in, just waiting for software, but I'd sure like to sit back on UE for a bit if I could afford it!

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