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Staying Focused/Motivated at Home - The curious one

Posted: Nov 28, 2010

Hi, I was wondering for those of you who work at home, what type of methods do you you use to stay focused at home, ie. environment, lighting, and so forth?  I like working at home but there are days when I'm easily distracted by the littlest thing and it slows down my line count or I need a break for my eyes to get away from looking at words on the computer screen.

What I found helpful... :-) - Hayseed

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I actually had to move into a separate area of the house (was working in either kitchen or living room for the longest time), which I now call "my office." It is strictly for me and its sole purpose is for work, and I designed it like I would have if I had an office somewhere else.

I have the brightest light bulbs I could find--full spectrum bulbs, maybe 100 watts, and I keep them on for my entire shift. I have a crappy old desk but I keep it neat and organized. I have a scented candle I light for my entire shift. I have all my reference materials beside me along with any notes I may need for my shift.

I painted the walls a color I liked. A place for everything and everything in it's place. Most importantly, I have a door on this room that I can close to block out the rest of the world. Cell phone off unless I'm expecting a call.

I start my shift with a huge cup of coffee, cocoa, or iced tea and I don't break for at least 2 hours for a stretch, 4 if I really find my rhythm.

Most importantly, for me anyway, was finding my self-restraint to stay away from the internet at all costs except to look up something related to work. THAT was the hardest thing for me to learn. That internet boy, it can be like crack!

Good luck!

Self-discipline - What is it and where do I find some?

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Actually, transcription keeps my attention for long stretches of time, unlike housework, TV, etc. I began working at home about 15 years ago. My tips:

1. I get up, shower, put on makeup, do my hair, get dressed, pick up my purse, and actually go out my door, walk around the house, and come back in the back door, hang my coat up, put my purse in a drawer, and keep the office atmosphere alive. At the end of the day, I do the same thing.

2. I, too, dedicated a room as my office, which helps tremendously.

3. I downloaded several "New Age" albums onto my iPod, and I keep those playing throughout the day, softly. That seems to keep me relaxed.

4. Candles, organization of the desk are very important, as mentioned above.

5. My downfall? The Internet, but it IS like being addicted to a drug. I am getting control of that, though, by going back to researching my words, etc., with good reference books. Getting one out gives me a few minutes to catch my breath, and I am not tempted to check e-mail.

A happy Tuesday to everyone!

Staying Focused - MT

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It's a tough thing to stay focused, especially these days(for me, anyway) because of ASR. I like to have nice naturally-bright light in my room, so I open all the curtains in the room. A bright room is more inviting to me. If weather permits, I open the windows. The fresh air keeps me from getting drowsy and needing a break. I drink plenty of ice water which keeps me alert, too.

I have heard of some people putting an alarm timer (like a kitchen timer) at their desk and setting it for 1 hour. No getting up allowed until that alarm goes off. They do that all day long.

Other people get all dressed as if they're going to an office. Nice outfit (but comfy), perfume, jewelry, hair done nice, makeup. (I'm not big on that one; I like working from home so I don't have to do all that!)

Everyone has their own tricks. I noticed that there is nothing like a good night's sleep the night before. I get too grumpy if I don't get my sleep, and I can't sit in my chair long when I'm feeling that way.

Go to work for MQ and they will ensure that - you are motivated!!

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Watching every keystroke, how long you are logged in, how many lines per minute, per hour, per shift. . . . Fear of being fired makes me sit up and type.

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