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Tips and strategies to help stay focused and productive... - KyMT

Posted: Apr 05, 2011

Hi all,

I have to do a Powerpoint presentation this week in front of a group of MT students.  I would really appreciate it if you would be willing to share any tips or ideas that you may use that has helped you remain focused and productive while working in a home environment.  I've been an MT for over 20 years and worked from home for 14.  Other than the obvious strategies that I use like getting dressed, eating breakfast, turning the phnoe off, and dedicating workspace, I'd really be interested in any fresh ideas that I could share with the group.

Again, I would be so grateful to anyone willing to share any ideas that have worked for you!  Thanks again!

Oh and also, if you know of any good on-line pics I could incorporate into my Powerpoint presentation, I'd appreciate the links.  Thanks!

Anybody??? - KyMT

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my best production helper is by using a timer... - typeaway

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I have been typing at home for over 16 years and this is the best help to me. I set the timer for 60 minutes next to my desk. While it is on, I do not check emails, pick up the phone, get up for anything. All I do is type. When the buzzer goes off, I go to the bathroom, stretch, eat something or if it is going well, I set it immediately for another 60 minutes and keep going. It has made an improvement in my production. I just personally need something to "make" me sit there. Otherwise, I get bored as heck and don't want to type anymore. Good luck with your presentation!

Thank you! I'll definitely use that! nm - KyMT

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Set goals....sm - tiny

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For example, today I am going to type 1500 lines. So, an 8 hour shift, means you must type about 188 lines an hour. Then, if you feel like your mind is wandering, you need a break.......make sure you get in your hourly line count before you take that break.

Don't spend too much time looking up terms, 3 minutes max. If you can't find it after 3 minutes, leave a blank and move on.

tips and strategies - sweetgirlsmom

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I use behavior modification techniques and reward myself. Every report earns me 5 points. I love long reports and it is especially hard to keep typing after short reports. Most of my reports are very, very short, but with those the points add up quickly. I love to play Scrabble and 5 points equals 5 minutes of play time. If I run out of play time, I cannot play until I earn more minutes.

I'd be a lot more focused & productive if I didn't - have to worry about money constantly!

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If I knew my hard work made enough of a difference to anybody to actually receive a fair wage for it, it would be one heck of a lot easier to stay focused on it.

Some days I get so fed up and depressed that I just blow off the MT-ing and go do something else. It's not like losing a day's pay is going to make any kind of a difference anymore.

I'm really sorry - Marzipan

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you feel that way. I was very lucky to get work with a great company after having been at MedQuist. (Gag me with a spoon.) There ARE good companies out there, there really are. You just have to try on a few before you click. I hope you can find one you like better.

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