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Staying awake - asleep at the computer

Posted: Oct 15, 2012

Sitting here with work but still falling asleep at the computer.  How does one stay awake through all this crappy ASR and ESL who stutter and just totally horrible dictations? 

I practically have to - prop my eyes open

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with TOOTHPICKS to make it through the day! LOL

sleeping - asleep

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Thank you. I was hoping I was not the only one. Is it just because we are not stimulated enough, just sitting here all day listening to these ESL and doing ASR and making no money?

chew gum and drink tea - with an occasional

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20 minute power nap!
Yep, gum and tea here too, but I also..... - dc
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read somewhere that eating peppermint candy will help give you energy. I had some and put some by my desk. I was skeptical, but tried it and it works fairly well.

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