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"I'm Just Staying Positive" - AnyOldMT

Posted: Dec 28, 2011

This morning a local morning talk DJ had an interesting segment.  He was responding to a woman who had called in, complaining that he didn't have anything "positive" to say.  His response was, "Oh, I am POSITIVELY certain that we are all getting screwed!"  (Comments were in reference to Congress extending the debt ceiling.)

This reminded me of the asinine phrase, "I'm just going to be POSITIVE!" that I hear over and over, usually from women, most of whom are MTs.  NEVER do I hear my J.D., M.D., M.B.A., or Ph.D. buds make such a remark.

Analytical thinkers DO NOT "focus on the positive." What they DO is take in EVERYTHING, the pros and the cons, of a situation and then weigh it all carefully.  It's called being rational and logical.  My approach is neither "positive" nor "negative" to the exclusion of the other side, but it is neutral.  For decision-making, personally I utilize a method called the Franklin Close but realize that it's not for everyone.

To "just focus on the positive" is to IGNORE FACTUAL EVIDENCE.  Nobody can make a sound decision on 1/2 of the picture.  That would be like hiring someone, saying to oneself, "I'm just going to IGNORE the NEGATIVE of his FELONY RECORD and just FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE!" or entering a relationship with an alcoholic, telling yourself, "I'm just going to IGNORE the FACT that he gets riproaring drunk til he passes out every night and just FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE!" 

Right now I'm on the brink of changing jobs, and, after sharing some red flags that I had learned about the company, had a fellow MT say to me, "Well I'm just going to be positive!"  In other words, "I choose to wear blinders and live in lala land rather than face the reality of what we may be getting into here."  Interestingly but not surprisingly, that same MT once told me that she's "too busy to think or analyze things"!!  Even more surprising was the pride in her voice when she said it!

This seems to be some kind of ridiculous social meme that has taken hold, which may explain why the educated don't utilize it.  Why it particularly afflicts women more than men would be interesting to explore.

So you guys keep on being "positive," and I will continue being rational and logical.

I hate positive people... - ooops, nuther 4 letter word

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Suppose I should have said, "I dislike positive people."

Just give me everything, I am tough enough to take it. No rose colored glasses for this kid.

I'm not positive about our economy at all, not in the slightest - but I am still polite and well mannered to others

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I certainly don't have a Pollyanna-ish attitude. I think our economy is in awful shape and will take years to recover, if it ever does. I still don't use rude and vulgar speech. I still am polite to people. That doesn't mean that I 'focus on the positive' to the point of being unrealistic. I'm very realistic. I can do that and still not use 4-letter words and/or sarcasm. It's better for my health. I like the person I am when I'm pleasant toward others. No apologies for that!

holy cow, 14 four letter words in that post - sarcasm

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I could not resist.

Did it originate with Oprah? NM - DontWatchIt

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I think one can have a positive attitude.... Sm - Old Woman

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and still analyze the situation in question without ignoring the negative factors involved. I find that a positive attitude, not pollyannaish as another poster pointed out, impacts my overall sense of good health and helps me find positive outcomes rather than getting mired down in the negativity, which can be very depressing and detrimental to finding any real source of inner peace.

I tend to look at the overall picture, sort the positives and negatives, formulate a course of action and pursue that course of action.

I do find your statement near the end of your post a little troubling. "This seems to be some kind of ridiculous social meme that has taken hold, which may explain why the educated don't utilize it."

Far be it from such an "uneducated" person as you apparently perceive me to be to tell you, an obvious educated person and analytical thinker, that perhaps a little more positivity might be a good thing for you to have in your life right now. I truly hope, and I mean this in the most sincere manner, that you are able to find the answers that you seek in a world you did not make.

Thinking positive - alice

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My comments are only with regard to MT work. I'm not talking about politics or being in an abusive relationship with one person, etc.

Regarding the MT industry, I've decided to acknowledge the negatives and positives and then decide which I will tolerate and which I will not tolerate. Then, I think of the alternatives.

For instance, I might tolerate a not-so-great MT job at home versus traveling 20 miles per day in all kinds of weather to work face-to-face in a stressful customer service job.

But, if I were offered $20 per hour to continue working at home in some other industry, would I try it? You bet I would.

Also, I might tolerate a not-so-great MT home job versus being homeless and not having money to pay bills, buy food, etc. That doesn't mean I agree with everything they do or how they do it. I acknowledge the negatives, but try to put them aside and move forward. It seems that there's nothing I can do about all the mess in the MT industry.

I've been an RN and made lots more money, had more benefits, but hated the job more than I've ever hated any MT job. For one, the facilities where I was employed always staffed as few persons as possible. Therefore, the patient load per nurse was very high, and I never felt that I could do a good job. Also, I found office politics to be just awful, especially when I was working with a group of women.

Whenever I've stood up to a company and expressed my disbelief at all their antics, resigned, moved on, the only result was that I no longer worked there and someone else came along and accepted the stuff that the MTSO was dishing out.

So, if only some of us are realistic and act accordingly, nothing will change. There will always be others that will allow companies to stomp on them.

Personally, I've decided to just go with the flow, try to think as positive as I need to in order to be able to get the job done, and find my satisfaction in life in other places, not on the job.

I'm doing just fine, thanks! - AnyOldMT

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Thanks, but I'm doing just fine -- better than most, since I am not delusional and face realities head on, no matter what they are.

My closing remarks were merely observations of the trends: the uneducated and females tend to espouse this mentality more than males and the educated. As I also stated, it would be interesting to examine this from a sociological perspective. If those observations "trouble" you, then I feel sorry for you.

It looks like I struck a nerve, given all the defensive posts on here. That's not a surprise since the people espousing this attitude are in the majority and most of the posters here are females.

AnyOld, you had me until your last paragraph ... - ILMT

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... when you threw out the gratuitous slam at "the uneducated" and closed with an open-ended inference that women may be more prone to the "la-la-la, I can't hear you, I'm staying positive" thing. In a word: Hogwash.

Much of what you said before that has merit. But it all crashed on the shores of your sweeping generalization. "The uneducated", indeed. My dear, I am a dang-near-lifelong MT who didn't make it much past high school, and I'll wager my next month's line count that I'm at least as rational, logical and analytical as you appear to be. The realities and facts about this field (can't call it a profession any longer, can we?) haven't escaped me.

However, you seem locked into an either/or mindset; that is, one is either pessimistic about the future of MT because of the facts, or one is in la-la land (also presumably uneducated) if in the face of these she is still attempting to extract the positive.

A much more realistic, big-picture-thinking approach here is to see the MT landscape as both/and. Things are rarely black and white. The Franklin Close (as a sales technique, and if there's another decision-making model by the same name I'd be interested to know it) adds up the pros and cons and a conclusion for one side or the other is based solely on those sums.

In real life, some pros/cons carry more weight than others. That's where an individual MT's unique situation (age, financial and other commitments, health, goals, etc.) comes into play. One item on the "pro" side could, at a particular time in someone's life, tip the scale toward thinking positively about a field that's in trouble. It's not for any of us to tell another she's an uneducated ostrich for doing so. It's her big picture, not ours.

Even if Merry Sunshine is alive and well, and makes some of us shake our heads that she just doesn't get it, a little respect for her right to see the world through rosy lenses is in order -- and snide speculation about her educational level is not, at least not publicly.

I am acquainted with several folks possessing master's degrees and doctorates. Some of them don't have the sense to get in out of the rain, let alone the ability to analyze a situation and take a course of action. They procrastinate indefinitely, fearful of making a decision, but they call it "research". If that's not an ostrich-sized sand dune, it's pretty close.

LOL! Did you read your own post? - Unhypocrital

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Two excerpts from your post:

"But it all crashed on the shores of your sweeping generalization."

"I am acquainted with several folks possessing master's degrees and doctorates. Some of them don't have the sense to get in out of the rain, let alone the ability to analyze a situation and take a course of action. They procrastinate indefinitely, fearful of making a decision, but they call it "research".

You are a hypocrite, as evidenced by your post.

Also, you went around the world and back. Did you have a point?

Google is your friend. - MT

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"The Franklin Close (as a sales technique, and if there's another decision-making model by the same name I'd be interested to know it)"

The Franklin Close is used as a sales technique, but it also a tool used for general decision-making (Note the website name, "Problem-Solving-Techniques.com":)

It is also a great tool for individuals to use.

Known for his common sense, Ben Franklin originally developed the balance sheet for making yes and no decisions.

He made thousands of wise decisions and used this method to make many of those decisions.

Let's put it in perspective - or at least try

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If a very expensive pair of Size 11 Men's shoes were on sale for $2, is that a good deal or a bad deal?

It would be a very bad deal for a woman who wears size 6 womens' shoes.

It would be a great deal for a man who wears Size 11 and is looking for a pair of shoes just like that.

In medical transcription, it's a similar situation. It's all relative. It may be a horrible fit for one person and the dream job for another.

It's all relative. That's for sure. - nm

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Positive thinking versus reality of a situation - anon

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Positive thinking works very well if you are stuck in a situation you CANNOT change. Sometimes life does this. For instance, you get diagnosed with a terrible disease and there isn't much you can do about it. You can go to the doctor, take the medicines they give you, but ultimately it is pretty much out of your hands. Focusing on the positive when you are truly stuck with a negative can be a terrific way to cope. That being said, completely focusing on the positive when there IS something you can do about a situation can be crippling. Using the example below, if you are married to an alcoholic and can leave and want to leave, then being realistic and making a change is in order. However just seeing the bright side of this marriage and putting up with the negative aspects just keeps you in a bad situation that could be changed. If you can do anything to change a problem, do it. If you can't, then focus on the good things instead.

VERY well said! Bravo! NM - AnyOldMT

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Positive thinking - LeeLee

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Love your post. Certainly puts things in perspective in a very simple, but comprehensive way.

Very Smart - nm

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Some people don't care about facts. SM - PassingThru

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I have encountered some people who perceive and look at the world entirely through feelings/emotion. They are not interested in facts about anything, only how that thing makes them or others feel. You can try to reason with them all day long, but you're just wasting your time because it's the way that they're wired or have chosen to be. It is incredibly frustrating to try to deal with them, and I'm grateful that I'm not like that.

I do agree that, in general, women are more prone to the emotional personality type than men are. However, I have also known some men who were more emotional than any woman.

Men have complained that women should not be in important leadership roles because they can't make important decisions objectively. I think that women of childbearing age are most definitely affected by hormonal swings (PMS, "baby blues," etc.) but that postmenopausal women are more even-keeled.

positive - curiousgeorge

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The entitlement attitude of "just give me all," is, unfortunately, very American. I do not really think it matters whether one is positive or negative, but it does matter if one has meaning in their lives. If one thinks they have it difficult in our world, maybe reading the classic, "Mans Search for Meaning," by Viktor Frankl. It is his account of how he and others survived Auschwitz. His underlying theme is that there is one thing humans really do have control over, and that is our attitude. It really is a great book!

I tend to focus on being grateful versus positive.

Just my 5 cents.

I tend to agree with you about focus - Thanks!

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I think that's probably a good plan.

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