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Tips on staying focused anyone?! - sm

Posted: Oct 12, 2010

Normally, I'm very disciplined about work.  I have a very stable job, very good pay, great accounts.  I am just having trouble staying on task. 

Mind you, I do not have to just push and push.  I just need to relax and complete a report, upload it, do the next one.  I can breaks when I want to. 

There is NOTHING wrong with my situation except as soon as I start a report my mind goes to a zillion other things I would rather be doing.  I can hardly get through a single report at all.

Even thinking that I might lose the job is not enough right now to keep me in the game.  

I've thought about it and I don't hate this work.  It's not too hard.  I'm not underpaid.  I'm not micromanaged.  I enjoy the work.  I just don't know what is wrong with me these last few days. 

ANY tips or advice to stay focused, etc., would be appreciated. 



re: sm - on task

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I know EXACTLY what you mean. This works for me:

Make a work schedule and stick to it. Even schedule your breaks and lunch.

Every day or every other day take a jog or a long walk. Even if you have to schedule it!

Make time for yourself outside of the house. Working at home is not as easy at it seems and we get into ruts a lot. Laundry, dishes, phone calls, INTERNET are and can be huge distractions. The "i'll get back to work in a couple of hours" mentality was killing me and what I was doing was working all day and night 7 DAYS A WEEK! Then I really didn't have any time or focus.

The schedule works for me and works great. Now I only work 4 days a week and only work my schedule. I am very productive and have tons of time for me and family!

I hope you can get a little something from this. For a couple of years my sanity was on the line. I took this advice from my psychologist. She helped me manage my time and helped me regain my sanity!

I've struggled with the same thing - Happy MT Robin

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Especially when I'm tired, I'm distracted by anything and everything. I'll find myself going into Google to look up a term that I'm verifying and the next thing I know it's 20 minutes later and I've gone into 4 other directions. Oops.

One thing I eventually did was block all of the "time sink" websites on my desk top. I can surf in the living room on my lap top when I'm not working.


I have found that makes a huge difference for me.

Some days I have my iPod hooked up to the TV and familiar movies playing on a loop. I have the sound turned down, so all I have are the pictures in the corner of my eye, but that seems to help me for some reason. Weird, I know, but it's like it's keeping me company without distracting me.

The other thing I do is I have an excel spread sheet set up that I enter my daily lines into and I have it set up to total the lines at the end of the pay period and tell me how much I'm going to make. I have another one with my bills on it so I know how much I have to shell out. If the lines aren't quite hitting the bills, then that helps me be a little more focused because I'm freaking tired of being broke after a really bad job decision several months ago.

Another poster on here once said that she taped her bills to the computer screen and every day as she made enough to pay one more bill, she took that one down for the month.

Good luck. Hope you find something that works for you.

I am very competitive - sm

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Sometimes I make it a competition. For example, I set like speed goals. In my head, I'm thinking "There is no way I can get __ charts done in an hour". Then, my competitive side kicks in and says "Oh, yes I will get it done". I know it sounds silly, but it works for me. Now, that I work from home and have no one to have little competitions with, I just have them with my self. I have an account that others work on, and I will have my own little competition with them also.

I have been prescribed Adderall in the past, but I just refuse to take it. So, I just do the best I can. Sometimes, like if I am wanting to look at something on the internet or get a snack. I will set a goal of so many charts and tell myself I can do whatever it is I am wanting to do when I get that amount done which makes me work faster because I have that goal on my mind. It is all a mind game.

Have a money/line goal and do not let your mind wander until you have met it. - Same goal daily.

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I often found myself "finding" other things that I needed to do, laundry, dishes, vacuuming, even walking out to get the mail, e mailing friends, or phone calls. Some days that time can add up.

I have a goal of 2000 lines a day. I no longer do the "other things" until I have met that goal. If I am running behind, I will even eat at my desk while I am working. Most days, before I know it, I have reached that goal in 7 hours. Then I let myself get into "other things." As the above poster said, you actually have to have the self discipline to compete with yourself.

Burnout - nn

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Like me, I think you are in burn out!!! I have not had a vacation for YEARS. and i am sooo tired and just "don't care" anymore and I too have great accounts and great dictators, no ESL or difficult American dictators.

I'm in a similar situation - burnt out too

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I love my job and in our family I am the only one working so I have to have my job, but I'm there too. I am so burned out. I too have not had a vacation since 2002 when my mom died and I traveled back for her funeral. Because I am the only one working I have to work. Everything I make pays the bills (and I mean everything). We have no money to save, no sick time, no vacation, no nothing. We live in an area of the country where unemployment is 20% or higher. No jobs for DH here so are looking to move. Unfortunately in order to move we need more income, but you can't get a job unless you live in the area. Seems like every minute of my free time is spent thinking about where we are going to move to, how are we going to get there. Where is there some place that has employment for him, especially since we just read an article that said our state was going to be losing more jobs.

I love my job and it's pretty easy and don't know what I'd do if I wasn't working, except probably preparing to go to a homeless shelter, but I'm so burned out too.

I agree. It's burn out. I run into that a - couple of times sm

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a year, times where I feel I cannot handle ONE MORE DAY of this. I have to force myself to work and I tend to "space out" at my desk or get easily distracted with other things. It does pass eventually. I think it has to do with never being able to take a vacation, never a whole weekend off, always feeling money pressures, never being able to just take a deep breath and "relax" about life. Constant stress.
You describe what my life feels like now. Only good thing, seems like when a - funk passes, I can get in the groove SM
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better and lines increase a bit. That is the only thing that keeps me working on.

No jobs for DH, or no jobs DH will do? If there is a family to support, - BOTH parties need to bring in income. SM

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Easier said than done - until you are in our shoes... - burnt out too - see message
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Yes, both parties should bring in income. Don't think we've tried that? Unless you live in this town you really do not know. Since my DH is neither a mechanic, doctor, lawyer, teacher, nurse, salesman, bank teller, etc he is not going to apply for those jobs he is not qualified for. When he did talk to an employment agency here they said they would call him when something meets his qualifications. He has been told he doesn't have the skills in the areas that are looking for work (above mentioned), and for other jobs he has been told he is over qualified. When you open up the newspaper each day and see 7 jobs listed (all for the above mentioned fields he's not qualified in) and you get on the computer and there are no jobs listed in the area you live in. Then you call up to the next nearest town and they tell you when you get there apply, otherwise they are not accepting applications if you don't live in the area, it's just a very difficult thing.
Can he mow grass? TIme for Christmas help in stores. Rural area help farmers? Handy man - work? Help at Angel Ministries to get food?
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Well, you've just got it figured out for everyone, huh? - Go fly a kite!
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First of all, if she lives in part of the country that has an actual winter with snow and the grass quits growing, mowing lawns won't really help, now will it?

Second of all, the unemployment rate is sky and all those unemployed people are applying at the same stores looking for Christmas help. The only way to get on there is to know someone on the inside who can put your application on top.

Help farmers?!?!? Yeah, cause the farmers are doing so swell that they are just dying to pay someone and cut into what little profit they may make this year.

Finally, handy man work -- well I could use a handy man since I'm a single mom, but I can't afford a handy man. So there ya go. I would hazard to guess that most families right now can't afford to pay a hand man and just manage to fix things on their own

Angel Ministries doesn't pay. It's VOLUNTEER. So that's not an income.

We are in a recession! And you would insinuate that this poor woman's husband is simply being lazy or not looking. What is wrong with you?

I'm working two jobs and I am totally burned out and some people just irritate me and the poster above is one of them! Kicking someone when they are down, burned out and stressed financially just to further your own sense of superiority is just disgusting!
It's not all black and white - - burnt out too - see message
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1. Yes he can mow lawn. Yes he has tried that. People are having their kids mow their lawns as everyone is trying to save money.

2. He inquired about working for a landscaping company moving lawns, trimming trees, etc. Nobody is hiring.

3. There is no help needed during the hoidays. The school kids have that covered.

4. We don't have any rural farmers to help.

5. We don't have Angel Ministries.

Look, don't you think we've tried EVERYTHING. You don't really know what our town is like. It's very high unemployment and whenever something pops up, he's standing in line with 100 or more people.

We're trying to get him some classes to pick up different skills (welding, mechanics, anything). Our next resort is the the military.
Where are you located? (no message) - MT Still
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In the desert - burnt out too - sm
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do not wish to say exactly where, but I live in a small town of about 10K. Next closest town is 3 hours away and there is high unemployment there too and from what we've heard people are leaving that town to try and find work elsewhere. But here we do not have farms, farmers markets, etc. Very few landscaping companies as most people have rocks as yards. Our town doesn't even have a homeless shelter. We moved here for a job for him, and that job ended along with many others.
Military not a bad option - mom of Army boy
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Son is super physically fit, his family is totally supported (education, health, housing, etc.). There are problems but Military has people to talk to. It is enough to keep head above the water. The town is friendly to hiring spouses.
He used to be in military, but now at 53 is another story - burnt out too
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Things are just the way they are. There is nothing that can be done right now until our government gets turned around and the economy starts coming back and more companies start offering jobs. Meanwhile I just will be burned out til something good happens. Besides, we are not the only couple going through this. I'm just thankful we don't have kids and we don't own our own property. But I am still burnt out. But as they say....life stinks.
I do not recall OP saying they were STARVING to death - For cryin out loud, LOL!
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Geez, you act like the OP was on here asking for a freaking handout directly from your pocket!

Stop being so judgmental and quick to assume problems are so easily solved. I honestly don't know why some of you people seem to get off on being so condescending to other posters in such an unprovoked manner. Must be an empty existence for some of you people is all I can figure out. If this is how you handle things, I shudder to think how you must deal with your children (if you have any) when they face difficulties.

OP - Hang in there and best of luck to you...Many are struggling right now, but hopefully things will turn around very soon.
BUt money not used for food can be used for other bills. - Duh. NM
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What are you talking about?!?!? - Huh?
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Nobody has said anything about needing food or money! You seem to be lost in some alternate universe where you are God and sit in judgment of everyone. And I'm not sure what conversation you are participating in, but you are completely lost in this one.
Whatever. Note the OP and hubby are planning to leave - Fellow Traveller
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their little town with very limited opportunity and 20%! unemployment to move to a place where they can find work. That's a giant proactive, grownup step too big for many, so I'm more than a little surprised at the conclusions a couple of people have jumped to.

Burnt Out Too, I hope you two find a very promising place that really draws you soon. I suspect that when you do a whole new energy and the means to get there will follow. How about the browsing lists of the "Best Small Towns/Cities/? In America" for inspiration? This is a fascinating opportunity. Frankly, I wish we were the ones waving our fingers over the map. Good luck!

Wow can you share your good fortune - with those less fortunate?

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Because me thinks thats all most of us would love to attempt to focus on a company that doesnt micromanage, great accounts, lots of work, plenty of money, no nja, can take breaks when we want...me thinks this post is questionable if focusing is your only problem, please share the wealth! You can PM me if you wish not to share it so openly, and I would be glad to give you some valuable pointers and tips on how to focus!

This is why some are hesitant to post. - casey

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Why should anyone share what company they work for. Find your own company. There is a question that the OP posted to get help. She did not post to share her company info. Everyone wants to take the easy way out. Go find your own company to work for. Just because people do not want to post the company that they work for does not make a post questionable.

Tips on staying focused anyone?! - sm

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I don't appreciate your sarcastic remarks.

The point of my description of my job was to indicate that I am not unhappy with the job or stressed by it. The issue is with my inability to concentrate.

You can continue holding your tips for ransome. I have received many from other posters here as well as via e-mail.

Thank you to everyone else - I truly appreciate your input!

I find it very hard to stay focused on work, when I - worry every day about bills to pay, -sm

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now little I make per line, and NJA. They can't just pay us nuthin', and expect to get our 150%, undivided attention to our work all day. Especially when you know that by allowing your attention to drift, you're only losing a couple of lousy cents. I've truly gone BEYOND CARING anymore. I feel my time is better spent concentrating on more gainful employment, than it is fattening the wallet of my MTSO.

focus - gg

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Icompletely agree. I don't know, at this point, how else to make money though.

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