A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I have been in this (medical transcription) boat for a long time. I have enjoyed it and been able to support myself. The last few years I have been stubbornly trying to hang on and "ride the waves", but have finally gotten it through my thick head that this is NOT working for me anymore! I hate what this industry has become!
Anyway, was looking on the website of our local technical college, and I think I have found something I may be interested in. Going to look into getting a Associate of Applied Science in Office Administration. The one problem I have is that I tend not to be very assertive, but I think I could learn to be. I was looking at the curriculum, and a lot of the 1st semester classes are things that I already have experience in, so am thinking I may be able to "test out" of those classes. Wish me luck!