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I have an ah-ha moment. All night shift workers should send an - e-christmas card to management and thank them for
Posted: Dec 23, 2010x
WHY? what could we possibly gain by this? - so be it
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I guess we could be out of a job right now, or working for one of the other companies that gets complained about.
I am so used to the pay cuts that I guess it just doesn't matter anymore. Will continue to learn to live on less and will refuse to let this company break my spirit any further.
I hope everyone can adjust and find a way to be happy still.
NOT doing something is worse. How things got like this - to begin with. nm
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Good idea! They all need lumps of coal in their - Chrismas stockings! - n/msg
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I plan on switching my hours - NJA Queen
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While I would love to sit and have a pity party this was exactly the kick in the butt I need to switch my hours. I will make sure and let my CCM know exactly why I am switching them. I got guilted into switching to evening hours and I accepted it because of the shift differential but now that that is gone there is no reason for me to stay on those hours. Simple as that.
good luck with that - ain't that easy to switch back once you've agreed to go eves/nights - nm
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wont get anywhere if I don't try - NJA Queen
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Besides the MQ management shuffle will be upon us soon and with each new CCM there is another opportunity to get a better schedule. Sorry, but I just cannot sit back and let them do this again this year.
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