A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Bottom line with working at MM... - anon

Posted: Feb 23, 2013

So many people with so many questions about working here. Trying to make this a full-time job has been extremely difficult, having to work odd hours whenever there happens to be work. If you're someone who is just looking for a little extra pocket money, maybe this company could work out for you.  If you're someone who doesn't mind not having a schedule or a life outside of work, maybe this job would be okay. If either of these things are objectionable, I would suggest you look elsewhere for employment. Even if you start out with them and you have tons of work, trust me, it won't last. I used to wonder what everyone was talking about with all this talk of no work....now I know. Boy do I know. And it truly sucks...looking at getting out soon so I can resume living my life.

I used to wonder about NJA - I couldnt see how you could

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have NJA for hours, a job or two trickling in. Sure, I had NJA once in a while, but never for long. In mid January, that all changed. My BOB/region fell into the NJA nightmare. Now I see. Now I apologize to all those whom I (silently) doubted. It is real.

I never doubted anyone, I just felt lucky to have work. - MSmt

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No work anymore. I am hoping for a miracle.

I am part time and can't even get my hours in - mona

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I am only scheduled to work three days a week and no work any of the time. Sucks

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