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Barrel or Barrow sinusitis?? - KAT

Posted: Oct 29, 2009

I am hearing barrel or barrow sinusitis.  I never heard of either one and cannot verify either one.  Anyone have any ideas??

barosinusitis - Txczech

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as in baro, pressure etc. like barometer. First time I heard it it totally stumped me and I had typed ENT and ENT surgery etc!!!


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses caused by pressure difference within the sinus relative to ambient pressure, secondary to obstruction of the sinus ostium and occurring during descent in altitude. Syn: aerosinusitis.

[G. baros, weight, pressure, + sinusitis]

Thanks!!! I'm an editor and was lost about that one! - Kat

[ In Reply To ..]
I couldnt figure that one out, thanks a million.

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