A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

In regards to the field of American MT hitting rock bottom... - AB

Posted: Apr 03, 2010

IMO, and again, this is only my opinion, hitting rock bottom should equate to more than just what we're earning now as individuals.  In order to judge whether or not the FIELD of MT has hit rock bottom in America, we would have to look at it as we see it on the inside and think if it would be a career we would choose to support ourselves on if we were just choosing careers for the first times as single people trying to support fresh out of school or a person changing careers to a new field.  Also, since hitting rock bottom means some sort of a downward direction, we would have to start at the top and compare that to now.  Considering what American MT meant when it was at the top of its field and in comparison to now, I think it definitely HAS hit rock bottom. 

A person can no longer expect to go anywhere in this career. There was a time when a good MT willing to invest in continuing education and improvement in skills would move up in the field.  Since the majority of hospitals now outsource (domestic and overseas), the MTSOs pretty much control the field at this point, and upper level management bring in their own from outside fields.  What advancement do we really have? Do we have opportunities for salaries commensurate to our skills as we get more experienced?  NO.  I would have to say that more than 70% not only have not seen raises in YEARS, but have taken pay cuts.  I've gone from 12 cpl to 9 with more than 18 years experience.  Look at what the entry line rate is now for a newbie trying to get into the field.  Look at what the beginning line rate is offered at a new company when starting, sometimes no matter how much experience you have. 

Look at the benefits and perks we used to get compared to now.  We didn't work every single weekend and hospitals were open 24/7 then too.  We rotated holidays just like weekends and there were emergency surgeries on Christmas and New Years then too.  The field has definitely changed.  We have better technology to help us with our jobs, but because of the technology that THEY choose, we get paid less.  I really can't see ithe pay, the opportunity for advancement in this career, and the morale getting much lower in this field because we cannot afford financially, emotionally, and physically to get much less than this and still keep working this field IN AMERICA.

That being said, I think it will rebound, but not until the clients themselves hit rock bottom in terms of quality in medical documentation.  When they start losing BIG money with lawsuits due to the shoddy overseas work or the VR pushed through for the sake of quantity, then things will change.  They have the control and they don't feel the pinch yet.

Totally goofed in that first paragraph. sm - AB

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It should read...we would have to look at it as we see it on the inside and think if it would be a career we would choose to support ourselves on if we were just choosing careers for the first time as single people trying to support ourselves fresh out of school or a person changing careers to a new field. Sorry about that.

your addendum says it all - very old MT

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IF so you're talking about it all as a hypothesis.

There are people coming into the business now who find a great service to work for. You can't take the individual out and just address the profession, unless you are willing to see that there are various levels in the profession.

My entire crew of MTs, greater than 20 years like me, all have jobs, are happy with their jobs, have good benefits, and are paid a decent line rate.

IMO, the MT profession isn't hitting rock bottom. It's continuing to change due to technologic advances, including the internet which makes global economy a reality.

It's about time, perhaps, if you feel this is more than a typing gig, that there are minimum education requirements which would lend some credibility to the job. And I don't mean just train to be an MT, I mean a well-rounded education, but that will never happen.

No, just don't see a bottom, I see another phase, yes, but it's just not bad for everyone.

But, again, you are not the norm. sm - AB

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Your entire crew is pretty much an exception to what most others are experiencing. You have good benefits, are they what "we" (the majority of those in MT) used to see? You say your line rate is decent. Compared to what? Compared to what we used to see or compared to what most are being offered now?
How can you be sure that she is not the norm? I have the same. sm - Long-Time MT
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I also have a good line rate, better benefits than my husband who works for a large corporation and make $55,000 a year doing what I love. I am sure that many will come on and bash this post, but it's true. There are thousands of us out there, not just the few that post negatively on this site. I personally know of at least 30 MTs who feel the way that I do, happy with the field, making good money. I also know that the company I work for has over 500 employees and the owner is a transcriptionist herself. She probably doesn't transcribe any more, but she knows what's what and makes sure that her employees are well paid, have enough work and have benefits. Not all MTSOs are bad, not all are suits.

I think that what needs to happen is that the MTs who cannot deal with ESLs, who leave blanks rather than researching, who complain about new technology rather than learning it, those who just don't "get it" should be weeded out. Not every job is for every person. Not every person is good at every job. Why should transcription be any different? If you aren't at the top of your profession or on your way there, perhaps looking at another profession is better than being miserable in the one you are. That goes for any job, any industry, any person, IMHO.
What about the ones who sit there day after day with no work? - anonymous for now
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I love the company I work for, but in the past year, the work has been slow almost to the point of non-existent, always telling me to hang in there, there are accounts coming on line, yet I haven't seen any new ones yet. I've asked for other accounts but, supposedly, none of them are on the platform I work on, so....here I sit.

I have always worked my regular schedule, always worked when there was extra or were running behind, rarely complained, had quality work, and rarely any blanks. I do the research even if it drop my line counts because I want quality. I do any ESL that comes my way, and learned ExSpeech and Escription.

Yet, here I sit, 2-3 days without a single job. I made $43K the first year with this company and this year not even making minimum wage.  Can't feed the family on this. 

So, what's MY problem? No experience? Don't think so. Quality audits of 99.2%.  Tell me why the work disappeared all of a sudden because I have no idea. 

P.S. I'm not the only one that has the above happen to. It's on the boards all the time. Good quality MTs and being treated like sh_t.

What About The Ones With Too Much Work, Having To Work Overtime - Neither is probably the norm
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Something between those extremes is probably the norm.

If I was making $55,000 a year I would love my job, - Another LongTimer
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too. It looks to me that you think the MTs who are sitting here without work are to blame. It's not as if the ESLs aren't routed our way and we're avoiding them. And that blame card of ESL dictators getting a little old. What account doesn't have ESLs?

You are condescending in your attitude towards MTs, faulting them for not making a livable salary any longer, not willing to research terms (so we are lazy) not willing to learn technology (are we too stupid?) Certainly we are not very bright since we "can't get it". You are really the MTSO's dream employee. A hard worker, more intelligent than most and condescending to other MTs. What more could they want in an employee?
55K - TiredMT
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Nobody would complain about making $55K from home. I used to make $50K before I moved and was forced to work for MTSOs because I could make the same amount from home as working outside of my home. Big mistake. I should have stayed put. I had it made and didn't know it. But then again, I had been with that hospital for over 15 years and didn't realize MTSOs had taken over, or that I'd spend the next 4 years of my career struggling to make a living and going broke in the process. Live and learn but it's time to move on.
I used to think that but... - Horski
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I was happy until our company outsourced and now I am on the other side. There were so many of us close to retirement and I hope you are able to retire out at your job, but some had only two years left and had to go down to less than 9 cpl to start. We never thought it would happen to us. I know you are getting a good line rate, but that can change at any minute too. I always love your feedback and know you are a good MT, but after it happened to me, I had a new appreciation of what others are going through. It really stinks.
Over the past year I've come to the same conclusion you have - MT is not for everyone
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I've always known that MT is not for everyone and not everyone wants to do it or can do it. It has come to the place now where only the best, both in skill and attitude/motivation, are going to survive. If an MT doesn't want to adapt, it's time to move on. If you don't want to do speech recognition editing, it's time to consider another career. If you aren't prepared to do acute care, the Big 4, check to see what other job options you have available, because this isn't going to be an option for you much longer.

Only the best, the ones with the best skills and attitude, and the ones who are motivated to adapt as the job changes, are going to survive.

For example, if you think all Q/A is out to get you, it's time to do something else. If you spend your energy hating the 'suits' and believe all MT employers are out to get you, it's time to move on. Find something you love and have a passion for doing well. You aren't doing yourself any favor moping around.

If you decide you do want to stay and make it work, improve your skills, stop with the paranoia, know that everyone, from the bottom up, is struggling, and it isn't a personal vendetta against you. You just have to stay up, or drop out.
Great post - TiredMT
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Although I don't spend my time thinking QA is out to get me, I no longer love being an MT like I once did so although I get the job done, I have lost my passion. I am exploring options to see what's out there for me since I really feel it's time to hang up my headphones and pack away my foot pedal. I'm actually looking forward to packing up all my books and sending them to a friend who has no desire to change careers. I'm ready to fill my bookshelves with glass vases and trinkets along with a few books that actually make me smile.
Why have I stayed 20 years? - jm0405
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The past 5-6 years, I have used to obtain a bachelor degree in finance, associate degree in construction management and now I am paying for my last 10 classes to for accounting so I can take my CPA exam.

I became leary of the industry when VR was born. I knew changes were made every year...be prepared...I never wanted to wake up one day without a job or skills to find one.

Do I think MT will end? No. It will always take someone to edit reports no doubt. However, I am realistic enough to know that with each year VR improves, fewer MT/editors will be needed. Each year I add for experience = I am worth more money in wages. A newbie to the industry is a lower pay rate for employers. I chose not get myself backed into that corner as well.

If you want to make it, roll with the changes, stay on your toes, pay attention to what's around you and plan ahead. I am hoping this is my last year in MT work. The only reason I am still here is because the economy tanked, AIG and Madoff incidents were in the news, Merrill Lynch bought out by BofA, banking bailout, etc. Wrong time to get a degree in finance! LOL. I hope to leave the industry.

It's best if you use ANY job to prepare for your future.

Agree 100%. The way this industry is being - run into the ground is shameful! nm

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I agree AB - Mrs. MT

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Your experience has been my experience. I finally had enough and quit a couple of weeks ago. I'd worked with the same people for 15 years. I have 22 years acute care experience, have always worked Saturdays and holidays, rarely took time off and have taken repeated cuts and loss of benefits as well.

It'd be nice to find services that look out for their MTs. I never even expected raises, just to keep up with the cost of living and for the service to honor their word. There are so many people I meet who want to know about what I do for a living, and anymore I try to talk them out of it. Even though I enjoyed my work and didn't mind ESLs and mush-mouths (VR took all the "good" doctors), I'm not very motivated to even look for another job right now. I miss the "good ol' days" when MTs were valued and employers knew a good thing when they had it. Made me want to give back and be a team player.

Would love 2 know... - curious MT

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Why the folks who say they work for wonderful companies, make great $$$ with good bennies and adore their managers, etc. never name names. Surely the influx of qualified applicants for such a fantastic company would benefit not only the company,(presumably so well managed they do not overhire), but possibly prod other MTSOs into doing the right thing for all of us MTs. Just sayin'.

If we name the companies we work for, the bashers come out in full force! - Long-Time MT

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Exactly - very old MT
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My company's name has been bandied about here. When the negativity is countered, the bashing just gets "louder".

I see it this way, if I could find my way to a viable, healthy, thoughtful company, so can anyone. As usual, some people want the work done FOR them, which sort of goes to Long-Time MT's point.

To Anonymous for now, why do you stay with a company that provides you no work? Regardless of what has happened to the company, ultimately you choose to stay or go and you've chosen to stay?
I stayed because I believed them and I'm counting down the time for retiring. - anonymous for now
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I don't have long to go and I certainly don't want to start over at a different company just to have the same thing happen again. I've seen too many MTs go that route.

I have looked locally but don't want to drive 30-40 miles a day to work. Been there, done that, and with gas prices, it's just not worth it.
That, in itself, should say something. - sm
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I have no idea what company it is, so there is no way that I can bash the company. But if you feel that people would bash the company simply because you name it, then obviously not all have had the same experience as you even within the same company, let alone the whole MT field. People aren't going to simply bash a company for the fun of it if they're making $55,000 with great benefits, treated great, and have all the work they can handle. There has to be a reason that there's some animosity. There are just as many MTs that call people with valid complaints "bashers" simply because they have it good and refuse to believe that the "bashers" would have a bad experience, therefore, they must be lying. I think there are a lot more people having a rough time in the field than those doing great with it.
I think you're missing the point of why people bash - Older Than Dirt MT
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Someone might post that they love their company and are doing well.

Anyone who has ever been fired from that company or had a run-in with Q/A with that company or doesn't like someone who works there, posts. There are people who just sit around bashing people, because that's what they do. It's easy to do on the internet. Nobody can hold them accountable or even make them identify themselves.

A few of them even post under different names, agreeing with themselves, and making it look like others have been abused by whatever company or person they are bashing.

It's a shame that it works that way, because otherwise we could share real information that would be helpful to each other.
I'm not going to post my usual moniker, but I've been called a basher. - sm
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I have many years experience, have consistently had 99% and higher QA, but had terrible experiences with 2 companies that were so-called "wonderful" companies. I wasn't only bashed myself for speaking out about my experiences, I was personally attacked. When I posted my experiences online, I was accused of being a liar, accused of having poor quality and deserved the punishment, accused of not wanting to take on more accounts (even though I already had 4), on and on and on.

I believe that most of those who use those tactics are the ones that will never, ever consider that there might be problems with their company because they don't see it themselves. There is no way to prove (other than through the board administrator) if someone posts under different names and agree with themselves, but it's an easy accusation to make to deflect the attention off the initial topic. It's the same as if someone with a complaint has a comeback saying, "it must be a suit." They're both lame accusations.

If you look above, those who claim they are doing so well never answered any of the questions that really pertained to the original topic...the ones that made sense about comparing today to the way it was before or what about the ones who sit there with no work.

Nobody is doubting that there are some doing well out there, but people can't simply dismiss those experiencing otherwise as bashers and that their opinions are in the minority. There are just way too many out there from MANY different companies that are having bad experiences to say that the field has not hit rock bottom compared to what it was.
You've made some good points. I have comments and a couple of questions - My Viewpoint
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You've made some excellent points. It's obvious that some of the companies are making decisions that are bad for the MTs who work there. In other words, there are legitimate complaints. When you mix those in with the people who never had the skills in the first place or have poor attitudes or work values, you get a situation where it's hard to tell what is real and what isn't.

Personally, I wouldn't give the name of a company I liked, because even if it's an excellent company, and there still are some out there, someone will have been fired for misconduct from there or let go because of attitude or poor skills or maybe just not the right skills, and they are angry.

I'm with you though. I would love to have a way to be able to tell the legitimate complaints from the ones who needed to be fired, are angry, and posting negative complaints on every website on the internet. Those are the ones who are ruining it, because people with common sense and a fair attitude look at those as overkill and start doubting that there is any validity to their complaints, so it backfires on them. That's a shame, because it means that any real complaints don't get the results those posters want either.

I'm not sure what results to expect anyway. Do those with legitimate complaints want their jobs back? Do they want others to quit their jobs with that company in sympathy? Are they simply venting? Are they hoping someone will see their message and offer them a job? This is a question. I really want to know. Thanks!
Answers to your questions. sm - called a basher
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I can't answer for others, but there were a few reasons I posted my complaints. If I initiated a string, it was because I was venting or had wondered if any at the company in question had experienced the same thing. There was one company I worked for where I had questioned the supervisor (by phone, not here) about something exactly opposite of what she had told me in email a few months back. From that time on it seemed like I was in her crosshairs and she even went to the extreme of actually locking me out of the system for 2 whole days because she "thought" I had requested those days off and said it was done in error. When I asked why I had never been locked out of the system before on my days off, she got even worse. So I ended up quitting. People said almost the same thing you said about people with common sense view that as overkill and no supervisor would lock someone out of the system without a valid reason. But it DID happen to me, and it happened at a company that more than a few said was a very good company.

I posted asking if anyone else had ever experienced that and right away about 4 or 5 different people started calling me a liar, stating there was no way anyone at that company would do that...yada, yada, yada. I actually had to contact tech support to let me back in the system because she was off. They knew it was true. So that time I was posting because I was venting and was curious if I was the only one on the bad side of this particular supervisor. And yes, because I was angry that I lost 2 days pay and ultimately my job because I couldn't take it anymore.

Another time when I complained about a different company I was responding to someone else who called the OP a basher for posting her issues. I was trying to show that she wasn't the only one who had experienced that.

I never expected anyone to quit their job in sympathy. That's ridiculous. I wouldn't quit mine if someone said that they had a negative experience. I also would never want my job back either. If they are going to treat me like that once, they'll do it again. I can't let someone else have that kind of control over my ability to support myself and my family.

But both times I did post, I was made to feel like I was the bad guy in the wrong. We don't have the usual "water cooler" where we can't vent to our coworkers. This is the only venue we have, but I could never in a million years imagine someone saying some of the hateful, venomous things in person at a water cooler as they did here on line simply because they didn't experience the same thing or couldn't see someone face to face.
More Good Information - Thanks For Your Reply - More of My Viewpoint
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I think I remember the thread you're talking about when you said you were locked out. I didn't read it, but if people actually called you names or said you weren't telling the truth, that's inappropriate. I would keep in mind what we were talking about earlier though. It may be one person, or maybe two, posting over and over again, actually talking to themselves and approving of what they themselves just said. I wouldn't even take them seriously. If they were happy, they would have no need to attack others, would they? They would be too busy being happy and productive.

Only you and the other people involved in your situation know exactly what happened. Unfortunately, there is no way to 'prove' that you were right or that someone treated you badly. That's where we have to not only accept responsibility for ourselves, but for our own feelings, and not need anyone else to approve us.

Even back in the water-cooler days, people would listen and then when the person left, they would gossip about them. That's nothing new.

You said, "I was made to feel like I was the bad guy in the wrong." Don't let anyone have that power over you. Yes, if you write something here, you are setting yourself up for others to judge and comment on what you said. You have the choice of learning how to accept it as what it is, not very important in your life, or be very careful what comments you make.

That's my viewpoint anyway, for whatever it's worth. Good luck with finding a great solution to your work situation. I wish you well.
Or Some Bash Because... - jm0405
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Some people post so others can learn from their experience and avoid it in their own lives.

Maybe people are tired of working long hours, odd shifts and have no money to show for it.

Hard tellin'

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Sep 10, 2013

Just signed into my account to get some extra in because of OOW for the past month, at least.  Surprise, surprise. What I have been reading is true!  The worst of the worst dictators are on and only them.  Gosh, it seems like there is some cherry picking going on, perhaps from overseas?  Unbelievable.  Hardly worth the frustration. Not one good one out of the bunch.  Boy, don't we work for some POS people?  ...

Are Unenthusiastic Workers Hurting Your Business’s Bottom Line?
Jun 24, 2013

By Sarah Halzack,  Updated: Monday, June 24, 9:15 AM If employees don’t like their boss or aren’t stimulated by their work, can that lack of enthusiasm weigh on a company’s bottom line? That was the question that Gallup set out to answer in a new study that compared workers by categorizing them in to three groups: “engaged” workers, those who are passionate about and committed to their work; “not engaged,” those who are coasting; and &ld ...

Buying American
Oct 19, 2009

Hey, Everybody: In the spirit of solidarity, if we want support for our cause, then we might want to consider supporting other industries in America.  There are places to "Buy American" on the website.  We shouldn't support Big Box Stores that import everything and make a killing as well as treat their employees like chattel.  You know who I am talking about.  If we buy into the theory, "Oh, but it's so inexpensive to go there," then we are just as bad as the tran ...

Native American
Mar 26, 2010

When doctor says:  "Patient is a native American" should native be capitalized?  (BOS says to capitalize tribe names, but that doesnt answer this question.)  Thanks very much. ...

Will This Help Struggling American MTs?
Apr 23, 2013

I saw this article on a new law being passed about outsourcing jobs http://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-immigration-bill-could-slow-indian-outsourcers-092353134--finance.html     ...

American MTSOs?
Jul 23, 2014

Okay, so are there ANY companies that are actually owned by Americans who live in America?  Everyone says they are only hiring from within the U.S., but that doesn't mean the owners are American.  Someone here said one company (Diskriter?) was purchased by "an Indian couple." Why wasn't it purchased by an American couple? Why aren't Americans buying MTSOs? What's up with that? ...

Where Are All The American Doctors?
Sep 06, 2014

This past week it seems all I have got to transcribe are foreign docs.  Some are not too bad, but some it is just plain torture to listen to.  What is going on?  Also this is the first time I have not been able to pay my bills with my paycheck.  It is so depressing.  Just had to vent.   ...

The Great American EHR Boondoggle
Dec 01, 2009

Just in case anyone thought that point and click EMR is working, read this article.   http://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20090818/REG/308189963 ...

American Precision Transcription, LLC
Jun 09, 2011

Anyone work or heard of this company American Precision Transcription, LLC (APT)? Thanks for any and all comments about them. ...