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WooHoo! Night shift gets a raise! - A Christmas Miracle!

Posted: Dec 23, 2010

That is way better than a pay cut!!!!!


no they don't, read again - NJA Queen

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They used to pay half cent extra from 6 to 11 p.m. and 1 cent extra from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. Now they are paying 3/4 cent or 0.75 for only those 8 hours listed. If you worked a full night shift your differential just got cut by 25%. Merry Christmas!

I thought it said an "additional" 0.0075 - meaning more

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Man... I was jumping all over the place and now I'm crushed.


nope they replaced the existing compensation with this gem - NJA Queen

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So unless you work those exact 8 hours listed for your time zone you will get no shift differential. What a joke.
This is a perfect, SHINING example of all that - is wrong with this company. nm
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Maybe, but this is business. Your options are stay or go. Staying and - whining not on option, wont help at all. nm
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Sorry, didn't see any whining, they just made - a statement
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That's what this board is for!! Get over it!
Didnt mean to imply whining now. But bet will hear a lot - of it soon. nm
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yeah, well SO WHAT???? you dont gotta read it - nm
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Yup. Typical cookie-cutter "then just leave!" response. - (Obviously not one of the rank & file....)
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if you catch my drift.........
lol, i am x-rank and file. I left and got a better job - at different MTSO. nm
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So then what's it to you what goes on at MQ? - Dont you have your other things to worry about?
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I still have friends there in the rank and file. And the state of MT - in general matters to me. nm
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Your posts imply that you think all MQ MTs are whining - slackers. Is that how you view your friend?
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FriendS. I dont view them as whiners but then I also dont - know who is posting here. nm
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Maybe you should e-mail them privately. - nm
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wonder if any corporate people got pay cuts too - NJA Queen
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Ha! They had a nice Christmas party paid for by the shift differential cut that they decided to wait until today to unveil because they knew it was so bad. If they would have given us time before dropping this bombshell then many of us could have switched our shifts/schedules and that is exactly what the Q wanted to avoid.
Don't you just love how mgmt. drops their load of ____ - on everyone just before the holiday, and - sm
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then go on their merry ways to their own family holiday gatherings, with presents piled high under their 10-foot, top-dollar, blue spruces with designer trimmings, under the cathedral ceilings in their expansive living rooms? Clinking their glasses together and wishing themselves a happy (and no doubt "prosperous") New Year, all the while blissfully unaware that the very people they depend upon to even HAVE a business are going without for the holidays?

My hope for the holidays is that all of them - the greedy, dishonest, sweatshop whip-crackers, someday find themselves in the same position we're in right now.
three years in a row - NJA Queen
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First the ASR pay cut, last year was the FTR nonsense and now the shift differential. Like I said before the MQ secretary picks out horrible gifts for the employees. I would rather have no gift at all from MQ than these nasty ones- can't exchange these or let my dog chew on it (like I did with the mousepad). Just leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth right before Christmas.
Ummm, I dont think India celebrates our holidays, certainly - not in the fashion you described. nm
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If they're holding the pursestrings, then I'll betcha - they most certainly DO.
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Yes, they do celebrate them like that. - sm
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Especially in the higher 'castes' and among what we used to call the Yuppies. It's considered very avant-garde to celebrate Christmas. Face it, we don't celebrate it very religiously and Hindu has no prohibitions against a good party. It's not as big as their divali, but especially in the urban areas they put up trees, go visiting, get gifts, etc.
Boy, they're real good about giving some - notice, NOT nm
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If they told you 2 months ago this would happen now, what would - you have done? nm
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Prepared for the decrease in pay maybe??? - or maybe change
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my hours???? Is a little notice too much to ask. I smell management!!
No suit here, sweats. But if it doesnt work for you now, do what - you would have done 2 months ago, like sm
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start lookin for another job. That is your power, the way to take control of your life.
It doesn't even actually affect me, I just don't - agree with the way
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they do things and have a right to speak up about it. Thanks anyway!
Yes, you do. But gotta realize this is business. Not a bunch - of friends doing this so you can have a job. nm
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I don't care what it is, that's no excuse - to treat employees
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like that. There are businesses that DO take their employees into consideration. Quit trying to make excuses for them, or yourself.
You sound like you agree with what they - did, or maybe you
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helped make this decision. Shame on you!!! I guess no matter what they did, you could say "this is business." Exactly the mentality of money hungry management!
Planned accordingly? - maybe?
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They did the same thing years ago when they took away the daily bonus. I just made some major financial decisions only to find out my income would be cut $400 to $500 a month.

I immediately got another FT job and eventually left MQ. But it sent me into a financial nosedive. Had to max out credit cards to buy groceries.

This isn't as drastic, but it is totally classless to give no notice.

And yes, there are companies that do have class. I know of a company that actually gave several months' notice to MTs when they lost an account... so they could plan accordingly. All the MTs could have quit for all the MTSO knew, but they did what was right on a human, caring, and ethical level.

Ethics and compassion are good things.
When ppl get laid off, they arent told in advance. Why - is this different? nm
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Anybody so quick to jump to defense must be - management NM
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This seems to be standard reponse to unpopular posts. - Cant you come up with anything new?
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Probably cause it's the TRUTH!! - nm
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Yes, true ppl dont get advanced notice of lay offs. Not true - I am suit. Just a hard working joe who sm
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looks out for me and mine. Dont expect a MTSO to do that. When I have thought my lines were off, I got another job and then quit the dishonest one. I sure didnt waste time here doing "poor me." Rehashing and locking onto the bad things in life will not help you overcome them.
Again, what's it to you if we complain? - So you got another job?
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Bully for you! Why is it so important to you that people don't show any disagreement with the way MQ does business? Why is the only answer to get another job?
Well, it is the ultimate answer. The only answer that will change your - life for the better. nm
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You know nothing of my situation. I dont worry about you - Dont worry about me (nm)
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Not "unpopular" posts, but ANTI-MT posts. - Which could only be written by mgmt.
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Dont understand how encouraging MT to get out of bad - situation is considered "anti-MT." nm
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Oh, c'mon. You're practically cheering the pay cuts. - n/m
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What? What posts are you reading. No cheering here but - all your foot stamping and hair flipping is SM
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not going to make MQ change. A work stoppage might make a difference. SO that is why I encourage MTs to get out of a situation that doesnt work for them and go after what they deserve.
But "work-stoppage" and changing jobs are 2 - completely different things.
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Not really. Both are MTs taking a stand, not letting the Q - rule and ruin their lives. nm
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I knew they would do something be4 Christmas - Twist the Knife
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I hate this place. It's BS and just another way to cut our rapidly diminishing pay. And, yes, I am whining. And, yes, I will continue to whine. What's it to you? Seriously?
Yeah, several posted last couple of weeks, something like this - was coming. nm
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I bet they do away with shift diff completely. - mom2huskies
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I bet by next year they will do away with shift diff completely and just pay our current CPL.
Sadly, I think you are right. Will mark my calendar for next year and - see. nm
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or pay everyone the same rate - NJA Queen
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Right now all new hires are at 8 cpl typing (whatever that is) and 4 cpl ASR. I wouldn't put it past the Q to enforce that next year across the board.

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