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Transolutions - anything positive - Curious
Posted: Jul 01, 2010
Anyone have anything positive to say about Transolutions or more specifically their recent experience with the Apex platform?
Transolutions - not me
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Nope, not one thing. Looking for a new job, can't make any money with Apex.M*Modal
I have posted some recent info but will post again... - TSMT
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As I've said before, Apex is not a great platform, even more so since combined with M-Modal VR software. I find there are huge lags when typing/editing and sometimes my fingers are actually moving faster than the software allows and there is a noticeable keystroke lag, even when editing. Also, there are large lags when both starting and sending jobs of like 8-10 seconds (sometimes more) each way for each job. Needless to say, this all eats quite a bit into your production.
On the positive side, I will say they are a decent company, pay always on time, not too flexible on the scheduling but that's kind of understandable. The people have always been very pleasant and helpful to me, and the leads are fabulous. Of course, this IMHO does not make up for the platform issues. If the job market in this field were brighter I would more than likely accept another position, and if an opportunity that is better arises I will do so, but for now it's a job.
Transolutions - Anon
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I have to say the company as I whole I like; however, Apex combined with M-Modal is an extremely user-unfriendly platform. I haven't noticed the lag as the poster above me has while in a report; however, there is a good 10 second lag when opening and sending reports.
I was/am a high producer with straight transcription, but I cannot seem to get where I want to be with SR no matter how hard I try. And believe me, I have tried.
I agree completely with you.... - TSMT
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I also was a very high producer on straight transcription but no matter what I do I just cannot seem to have the same outcome with this platform on VR. I think it is truly sad and frustrating because I really feel this company could be a very good company if they had just shelled out the money, ditched Apex, and went with something better, but alas....that is not to be.
Agree - HappyExEmployee
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As far as large companies go, I don't think they are any better or worse than most. I was offered a job by Webmedx while working for Transolutions and ended up staying with Transolutions because the way they give bonuses (based on quality, not on production like Webmedx), the pay, the flexibility, and the benefits were significantly better.
The downside of Transolutions is Apex. It has some serious glitches with IT but works well with Shorthand. The dictionary in Apex has a significant number of errors in it so you have to be very very careful of that. The demographics screen is complicated and takes quite a while to learn to move quickly through. Reports take time to load, much more so than my current platform. Bright side is Apex makes it almost impossible to cherry-pick.
The more challenging your account, the higher your pay. I think that is wonderful! QA is TOUGH. I have only worked for 2 companies, so I don't have much to compare that to, but I know I spent many hours in tears of frustration. I did get excellent experience though and worked with some good people.
The other downside is scheduling. No disrespect to the company, but the girl in scheduling runs Transolutions. I had no problems with her and I got time off every time I asked for it, but other employees who had very very minor disagreements with her could not get time off for ANYTHING. It is very well known in the company that if you get on her bad side, you will never get time off or your requested vacation times. Is that a reason not to work for them? Not unless you need your vacation time written in stone.
Almost all accounts are now SR editing and when I was there M*Modal was horrible. I often delted the entire document and typed it again because it was so bad, but of course was paid at the SR rate. Overtime, SR "learns" so it is probably better by now.
I left Transolutions only because I realized working as an IC was better for me and I was also tired of being chained to my desk. That is just how life in a big MTSO is. I don't have anything terribly negative to say about them, but also nothing glowing.
The recruiter is very helpful, but do keep in mind he is not an MT so any information he gives about the platform may or may not be correct. Just as an example he told me that Dorland's spellchecker would work with it, and that was not correct. Really helpful guy, but just remember he has never worked as an MT, just like many recruiters.
Oh, and there are a lot of opportunities for advancement in the company to the star or delta team or QA, so that is a big plus!
PS - Ooops
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Please forgive my typos and grammar above. I broke my hand earlier in the week and am typing with just a few fingers. :-)I just read my post and thought to myself that I'm about to get 25 replies telling me how ignorant I am.
scheduling - anon
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You are correct that the girl in scheduling RUNS Transolutions, and yes there is only 1 girl in scheduling. I am one of those people who somehow got on her bad side. Now every vacation request I put in is denied. If I have to take any time off for sick kids or anything at all, even if I make up the time, I get nasty emails and phone calls, constant nagging about "schedule compliance." This is even with prior notice AND making the time up, not using PTO. She has done everything she can to make my life miserable. She also almost never responds to emails or phone calls made in advance of needing any time off, just nasty notices after the fact. There is no appealing to upper management, believe me I have tried; they allow her to run roughshod over the MT's. Luckily I have found another job and have only 3 days left with this company!
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