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Charging for STAT dictation - RhondaL

Posted: Aug 15, 2010

I have an ortho doctor that I transcribe for, his office calls or emails me for STAT transcription constantly.  I work for 2 family practice docs, 2 PAs and another ortho as well so I'm pretty busy.  I often stop what I am working on to do this doctor's all-important work.  My question is what is the standard for charging for STAT dictation?  I wouldn't mind except, as I said, this happens every day.  He cost me over $40 on Thursday because I was helping out at a clinic answering phones and had to leave to run home and do his work!  We don't have a contract.  Thank you!

First - get a contract

[ In Reply To ..]
and in it clearly spell out the charges for a stat (oftentimes 1.5 to 2 x normal rate).

As long as you keep letting them drag you around by the nose, they will.

Also, include in your contract how long you have to respond to a stat request.

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