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Charging for faxing - Abbey

Posted: Apr 09, 2013

I recently acquired a very small account and the doctor requires me to pick up tapes twice a week, print, deliver the transcripts to his ofice and fax each of the transcribed letters to multiple offices using my home fax machine.  Average letters to be faxed each week is about 30.  I asked for a faxing fee and he said 'No" because the previous MT was not charging for faxing.  What should I do?  I did the math and it seemed I will just be breakeven and not make money considering gas and ink cartridge.  I need some advice.  Is it worth it?

Free fax... - sm

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I've never used this, but I saw it posted here, so I bookmarked it in case I should need it one day. It appears to be totally free. Ignore the ad that may appear just above the part where you enter the info. That looks like an ad for another faxing service that isn't free.


Thanks - Abbey

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Thanks but I'm not looking for a free fax service. I actually need some advice if faxing my clients' letters for him at no charge is okay, as you know faxing multiple letters to different offices takes time, and time is money.

I see. Time is $$ for sure, and he should pay - you for your time. nm

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Abbey - Old Pro

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No, it is not worth it. And whatever the previous MT charged or did not charge is not relevant in your relationship with this client. I trust you had him sign a written contract specifying the terms of your work? Fax and other costs should be included in the contract or memorandum of understanding.

Faxing... might lose client if.. - 2bz2sleep

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I agree with Old Pro. You might just lose the client altogether. I feel your pain and costs. I am also faxing for free, which started as a favor and has become out of control faxing long distance (not to mention $40,000 in computer costs when my stupid technician installed my sound card on my modem com port, destroying several computers and other equipment).

If you agreed to this in the beginning... it is hard to get out of.

Well, if you aren't making any money....... - sm

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Then, you shouldn't do it. I had a doctor that I transcribed for and it was the same system as yours. His wife did research and decided I was making too much, even though the national companies she was comparing to did not have to print reports and bring them in, etc.

Well, I figured out ink cartridge price and such and told them I wouldn't make enough and we came to the agreement that I would save the reports to disk and go into the office, when picking up the tapes, and print the reports from their computer, using their ink.

Maybe you could suggest something like that, and using their fax machine.

You are there - To make money

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Your rate you charge should include your expenses, plus of course, your profit. If the doc thinks you're nit-picking by charging for faxes, I would just up your rate to cover your expenses, etc.

I also agree with an agreement to do some of the paperwork on their dime at their facility. Or, if they have a courier in their office, let them pick up and deliver tapes.

don't print them out first - MTMT

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You might be able to fax the reports directly from your computer so you don't have to print them first. I used to be a bowling league secretary and had to send the weekly scores to the local paper each week. After typing the report, I was able to fax it directly from my computer. Get your teenager (if you have one) or a computer geek to set that up for you. No ink costs, no paper costs, and probably much faster than hovering over a fax machine waiting for it to do it's thing.

This came up for me last week - ICManiac

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One of my clients moved his client base to a new location that requires reports to be faxed into their automated system. Prior to that, I had been sending reports by zipped encrypted email (one email for each service date). The manager was on his arse about TAT, not mine, but she needed extra time to print the reports and manually scan them into their system (which no one ever explained to me). So I signed up with an online fax service (no home phone any more) and found that each report had to be faxed individually and there were 11 mouse clicks to attach and send each report. When I did the math and told him, based on his history, that faxing would cost my arm almost 700 mouse clicks a week, then asked the manager if they could assume the transcription of his reports, they quieted down and told me the original system was fine. I associated a two hour fee with those 700 mouse clicks, but my real motivation was to keep from developing carpal tunnel syndrome. I was not interested in the dictation if I could not be paid for my time and efforts. You do what you have to do, though. It could help if you try to explain yourself. If you charge a pickup/delivery fee, I would consider an increase there. With the cost of gas, I know your expense is greater there these days. It isn't reasonable to expect you to just break even. This early into the game, you should set the tone. You deserve to be making a profit.

Another thing - Old Pro

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There is a subtle sense of entitlement among SOME (not all) clients and they feel that you SHOULD do this and that for them. That is why it is so important to begin with a written contract or a memorandum of understanding. If there is ANY change in what you have to provide, your fee goes up. I just had my income tax done last month and my return was a bit more complicated this year than last. My CPA (who is a good friend) charged me more, accordingly. That is only right. Please, OP, don't let clients get the idea they can take advantage of you. Once they get the idea you will be a doormat, they will try it all the time. You work hard and deserve to be paid for your time and expertise. That is what you bring to the marketplace to sell. Good luck!

another other thing - ICManiac

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I wonder if his former MT is former because s/he got tired of not making a profit. This client of mine has told me on many occasions that he thinks I should be making $40 an hour and now does not want pay for that extra time involved in faxing the reports. I should not drop to having no income when he thinks I should make $40/hour when he is adding a service we have never discussed would be involved. He moved to a new place, not me.

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