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STAT-Copy Technologies - unhappy MT

Posted: Oct 28, 2011

OK, I know that probably nobody on here has heard of Stat-Copy Technologies out of Texas, because it is a small company, but I have to warn people anyway.  The wage dispute person from MT Stars cannot help me because I am an independent contractor.  This company now owes me over $2500 for work that I did in July and August.  The last time she paid me was on Oct 10, for a check that I should have had on Aug 15 -- 2 months late.  I have sent repeated e-mails asking when I will get paid.  She gives me a date, but usually does not follow through on that date, and almost every other time I send her an e-mail it is ignored.  I'm in Indiana, so the attorney I talked to said it would be probably too expensive to hire an attorney.  Instead, I have called the small claims court to see if I can file a claim from here.  I'm so upset!  I've worked with her on and off since 2003, and I don't understand what is going on, and she won't communicate with me, except to tell me her sister died (a month ago).  I understand that, but still she DOES have a company to run and people to pay!  ARGH!

Yes, small claims is the way to go... - sm

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I have that same situation - I'm in NV and the client is in MI. Owes me $3,000 for a month's work, never paid. Michigan small claims has an option to do everything by mail and telephone conference, so I don't have to spend even more money/time going to their court. You may want to see if TX has that same offer? I'm so sick of these people! This company was a State of Michigan Competency Eval business for the courts and had that contract for 6 years! She went through a divorce, but too bad - I typed the work and I KNOW she got paid!

Time to start slamming these companies in court and getting our money! I've done it before and I'm doing it again.

Another tip, go to the PACER service center on line and check to see if that person has filed personal or business bankruptcy or is in the process of it. That way if you time it right, you won't be named in it. Hope this helps and good luck to you!

I don't know but shouldnt you file in your state? - hmmm

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Like I said, I'm not familiar with the process, but I thought I had heard that you file in your own location against the non-paying entity. And I do understand that getting a judgment in your favor and being able to collect that judgment are two different things. It seems the second poster has more experience with filing. Good luck to anyone who is in this situation. There but by grace go I as I am an IC whose only clients are several states away.

A similar experience with small claims - oldie

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I had this happen several years ago. I went to small claims court and won, but you had to know the person's SS# to collect so that the sheriff could serve the papers. The way I go money was that other people in the area took the problem to a TV news show that a public advocate, I think it was called "On Your Side" and they actually confronted this woman on TV and sort of harrassed her into paying. I don't know if you have anything like that in your TV news outlet, but it could work. Small claims didn't help me in VA.

Actually, you have to file where the business/person is located... - sm

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You don't need their SS#, but the more information you have to run a assets check, the better off you are. It's pretty inexpensive and once they see you mean business and know you have their bank acct and ability to file liens against that and their property (cars, homes, etc), they will pay their bill 9 times out of 10. And you can charge interest, but you'll need to look up the State where the business or person is located to see the allowable rate.

Good luck to you!

Some "Collection" Suggestions - mtmw

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This is pasted post I submitted earlier this month addressing situation similar to yours. It might give you some ideas (I've revised it a little, it's in the MTStars archives).

A Few Suggestions to Get Paid - mtmw

Posted: Oct 19th, 2011 - 9:12 pm In Reply to: File in court (sm) - MT

First of all, I would assume you're not doing any continued work for this outfit without being paid for prior work. Be that as it may, here are some suggestions that might help you solve this problem.

I had this happen to me years ago, but utfit, disregard the following. But if not, here's a few thoughts to consider in getting paid.figured out a way to get paid after months of dinking around waiting and being polite and nice hoping to get paid for some transcription work I did.

This was a lot of freelance transcription work I did for an attorney in my city years ago. She was/is actually a local city official. She didn't pay me after weeks of calls, visits, etc.

I got sick of being put off. I then decided someone who knows her should know what she was doing to me. I saw this as some leverage I could use as a last resort.

I sent her a "collection" letter outlining what work I performed (dates performed etc.) and what she agreed to pay me, and that this was a demand letter for payment (certified, return signature required).

The gist of the deal was that in the letter I stated that unless she paid me, I would send a copy of this "collection" letter to the mayor, common council, county bar association, etc., (her cronies) so they might know how she conducts her business. I just wanted someone to know she had tried to stiff me. It worked -- I had a check from her within the week.

Your recourse could work the same way. Imply that you will "share this news" with her "clients" (or whomever you decide might impact her) as leverage so she pays up. ...that you'd rather not go this route, blah, blah, but she owes you the money and you have no other recourse after numerous attempts to collect.

But without some strong implied second step, to look like you're serious about getting your money, i.e., letting her "clients" know about this, she'd just throw your letter in the trash. You have to be 100% brave and bold to start this, because if you don't follow through she'll know she can still bluff you. So put a "final date" for her to "pay up or else." Then if you actually end up sending a copy of your letter to anyone you think would have an effect on her to pay (do certified), make sure she gets a certified copy of that mailing too.

Use her company name, and her personally. Send to her home address if you have to, if you don't have an office address or it's a p.o. box. Even use Fed Ex or UPS requiring a signature for the receipt of delivery.

This is cheaper than small claims, especially if you're not even in the same state. That's a really difficult and expensive process.

The power of the mail can still be very effective. This just one among many ways to go with this. Best of luck to you.

PS: Everyone is required to file any claim (lawsuit) within the venue (state, county, city) in which an incident occurs(ed). In your case, the MTSO failure to pay for contracted services. You would have to go through the county in which this MTSO has a legal business or personal address. Small claims is usually a county court.

I would expand that to write a letter to the hospital/clinic requesting... - ndmt

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payment for services provided. We had a situation in my husband's business where we built a shop for a guy. The person who poured the concrete for the shop was paid by the owner but did not pay for the concrete. The concrete company contacted the owner saying they intended to put a lien against his building unless the concrete was paid for. The owner went to a lawyer, and the lawyer said it was legal to do that. The owner then called the person who poured the concrete, and apparently the threat of his reputation being ruined caused him to go in and make his account current.

I'm certain if you informed her that it was your intent to seek damages from the people who pay her, she will settle up with interest. (As a side note, I find dealing with clients who clearly don't intend to pay their bills adding on a substantial billing surcharge each time I have to send a bill helps, too. You should be compensated for your time & any expenses incurred by the failure to pay).

I did that and the company immediately canceled her contract - so there was no recourse for me :(

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so I went after her house, filed a lien and got my $$$$ when she sold it HAH! Small claims is around $100 for the court paperwork and then a few bucks for the Marshal to serve it. The majority of courts have a venue so that if you live in another state, you can take care of it all via mail and/or telephonically.

I have a theory... (sm) - Notalawyerbut...

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I'm not a lawyer and I don't know any of the people involved in this, but I have a theory about what may have happened because I went through a similar situation a few years ago. The small MTSO where I had enjoyed great work and happy times for several years suddenly stopped paying and stopped communicating. It turns out her husband passed away suddenly, I found out through other people, and it was the last straw for her. It turns out she had been thinking of quitting the business for months, but the stress just pushed her over the edge and she just gave up. Several of us didn't get paid. The clients all bailed because of lack of contact with her. I paid $75 to a local attorney to write a threatening letter, explaining to her what the consequences would be, and offering a payment agreement. She wrote a very nice letter back, apologizing, sent a check for half of what she owed me, and paid the other half a month later. She just needed strong encouragement to do it. It was worth the fee and I avoided having to deal with small claims court. Just a thought.

Unhappy MT - Old Pro

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I would have to wonder why you would keep working for her once a check was not paid on time. Not sure if this is what you did, but I had a cardinal rule--if someone did not pay me on time, all work stopped until their account was brought current. I would mail a copy of my contract or memorandum of understanding to her as well as filing in small claims court in my state and her state. They I would call the Fraud Division of the Attorney General in her state and see what formal complaints I could file. If I still had not been paid, I would tell her I had been in contact with the AG and was going to file a formal complaint with both the AG Fraud Unit and the Department of Business Registration in Texas. If it turns out she does not have a business license, she will be in double deep sugar. Good luck to you!

Thanks for your input! - unhappy MT

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Thank you, everyone, for your suggestions. She finally said she did mail ONE of my paychecks and I should have it in the next few days. When I get that, she'll be down to about $1800 owed. The first time I didn't get a check, when I asked her about it, she said the accounts receivable person that handled her account was on vacation, so I'd get my check 2 weeks late. Then it was another excuse, then her sister died...then she couldn't pay me until XX date, which she didn't do. Unfortunately, I normally didn't get paid until about 5 weeks after submitting my invoice (because she said the hospital paid her 20 business days after THEY got the invoice). After the first excuse about the AR person, I gave her the benefit of the doubt and kept working for another 2 weeks. Like I said, I had worked for her on and off since 2003 (my account was an on-again off-again type of thing, whenever the hospital ran behind), and she paid me VERY well. I've had occasional problems with her paying late, but never THIS bad. I'm SOOO tired of being an MT! I'm making the same amount per line for the company I'm working with now, as I did with the company I worked for when I became an MT 19 years ago! Most positions pay even less than what I made in 1992! I'll be 50 this year, and I really don't want to go back to school, or go back to working in an office (bad back!). I used to encourage people I thought would make good MTs to check out the profession, but now when people tell me they're interested in being an MT, I tell them not even to think about it now! Sorry, I just had to vent! I'm so frustrated, and I KNOW a LOT of you understand and are right there with me!

STAY AWAY - STAT-Copy Technologies in Bankruptcy - unhappy MT

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I stated before that the owner told me she had sent a check about a week and a half ago. Guess what? It's not here yet. I sent an e-mail telling her she would hear from my attorney, and she wrote me back saying her company has filed for bankruptcy. STAY AWAY from this company!!!!

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