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Can Someone Here Answer a - HIPAA question for me?
Posted: Oct 17, 2013
to someone who has in depth knowledge of the new HIPAA rules and regulations, please respond first and then I will ask my question. thank you.
sure... go ahead and ask - expansive knowledge
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Ask away
Thanks for responding - I need someone who
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knows quite a lot about this, as I had been demanded by my employer to "encrypt" my hard drive by a program they implemented. I am an IC, not employee. This is my computer, not their equipment. Their online work site already had encryption on it. No files of theirs was ever stored on my computer anywhere. I checked into the program and did not like the sounds of the risks of losing all of my own data on my computer due to incompatibility of their program. They also required a very long convoluted password to access your own computer after it was encrypted. The company I worked for wanted that password. For those reasons, I did not feel comfortable with doing this. I was told that encrypting my hard drive was a MANDATORY action demanded by HIPAA. I had heard that it was an "option" but not mandatory. I was told to encrypt my hard drive immediately or face termination immediately. Can you respond to this?? Is mandatory encryption demanded by the new HIPAA rules?
yes encryption is a HIPAA requirement - to protect PHI - nm
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My company changed us from IC to - Kendra
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business associate title because of the new HIPAA rules but they never said one thing about us having to change our computer, give a password and such, never. It is encrypted on their end and they asked for nothing like you are talking about from us.
I found this through - onlinetech/compliant hosting
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Here is some documentation concerning encryption...and please note...this is for the SERVER HOST... not the individual IC: please see below:
What are the minimum security requirements for managed servers and cloud servers to meet HIPAA?
â€Â˘Virtual or Dedicated Firewall
â€Â˘OS Patch Management
What about Encryption, is it required?
No. Encryption is not required but it is strongly suggested. Why? PHI that is released in encrypted form does not count as a release. It must be encrypted to the NIST standard (see http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips197/fips-197.pdf). So while you don’t have to encrypt data, it is best practice to do so while it is stored in the database, and especially while it is in transport.
What’s the best way to encrypt PHI?
Encryption requires decryption prior to use which is computationally expensive, so you can’t just encrypt everything on the server. The best tools and methods depend on the application, operating system and usage patterns.
A few things clients should consider:
1.Always use SSL for web-based access of any sensitive data (personally identifying or medical information)
2.Name, SSN, diagnosis, addresses, prognosis etc. and other sensitive information within an EMR system should be encrypted in the database using techniques and mechanisms known only to a select few.
3.Content such as images or scans should be encrypted and contain no personally identifying information.
What are some other best practices?
There are a few things that clients should do as it will help with their audit:
â€Â˘Document data management, security, training and notification plans
â€Â˘Client should use a Password policy for their access
â€Â˘Encrypt PHI data whether it’s in a database or in files on the server
â€Â˘Do not use public FTP. Use other methods to move files
â€Â˘Only use VPN access for remote access
â€Â˘Login retry protection in their application
â€Â˘Document a DR plan
Explanation - sm
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Your company is implementing a measure to minimize the risk of a breach from your computer, say when yours is stolen or you get a new one exposing anything on it to others.
I do not know if it is possible for voice or report info to be on your hard drive, but if it is, you need to encrypt it. If you don't understand this issue, you need to encrypt. If you think long, convoluted passwords are burdensome, you don't understand the issue and definitely need to do what your employer is asking.
If you don't want to do this, your other option is to find a new job.
I understand what you are trying to say - but there were no
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voice files or any report information of theirs to be found on my hard drive anywhere. Everything was done on line on their site, which is already encrypted. It was their database, not mine (I am OP). I have no burdensome problems with long convoluted passwords, only that THEY wanted the password, which would give them complete access to MY hard drive at all times. It was also stated that due to some incompatibility with some hard drives, implementing the application may cause my hard drive to lose all of any data that was on it... i.e. my personal files, my pictures, everything, and they would take no responsibility for that happening, and no responsibility to repair my hard drive, and no responsibility for any time off I suffered if that should happen. Believe me, I DO understand the issue, and being an IC, I do not think I OWE this company anything. If they need MANDATORY encryption, then they need to supply the equipment and not demand that I put mine in jeopardy for something that may never happen. It is the HOST SERVER, where the databases are stored, that need to be encrypted. I had no access to their databases whatsoever. and besides, HIPAA rules specifically state it is simply an "option," and not mandatory, and that is for the SERVER, not individual ICs personal computers.
Now I hope YOU understand the situation a little bit better before telling me what I HAVE to do. Thank you for your input though.
Simple solution - Work for someone else
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If you don't like the company policies, look for work elsewhere.
already did that - so you do not need to be
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so judgmental. nobody is forcing anything on YOU, so you do not know what it is like, either that, or you do not care for your computer one iota, or just a sheep following its leader blindly, doing everything you are told whether it is good for you or not, and not standing up for yourself or for what is right. Mandatory is never a word you use with an IC...an employee, maybe, but not an IC. Read the IRS rules concerning what a company can and cannot "demand" of an IC and learn something. and most especially not at 7 cpl!!! 3 for editing. I already have another job and it is at twice the price!! no "pooled queues", cherry picking, running out of work, etc. So all for the best, as far as I am concerned. I mostly wanted others' input on what the HIPAA rules "really state," and not what some power hungry company wants to place upon their indentured servants. Then again, you sound like you could be an employee of theirs... so better watch what I say, huh? I surely did not ask for an "if you don't like it, leave" attitude from someone who knows nothing. bye bye. baaahhhh.
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