A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

To answer a question on the IC thread below, someone - sm

Posted: Mar 15, 2010

asked, "I am trying to get a grasp on the IC vs employee thing but I don't understand why a company would want to hire an IC then?"

No one has answered this as of yet.  

Why would a company hire an IC then?  Because they don't have to take out taxes, (including their share of Social Security), and they do not have to provide benefits.   All they have to do is cut the IC a check, and then the IC is responsible for all the taxes, including all of the Social Security taxes, as well as providing for his/her own health insurance if they can afford it, retirement, and any other expenses associated with running the IC's business. 

Now, look around at the few large companies left that offer employee status.  I believe you will see fewer and fewer companies who will offer employee status in the not too distant future because government control will be a headache no one will want or be able to afford.  More and more jobs will be offshored, particularly by the large MTSOs. 

What do we do about it if we are an IC?  For every job posting that requests the IC work a set shift, we respond to the ad stating IRS guidelines and that they are in violation of those guidelines.  Plain and simple.  If they require a set schedule, they should be hiring employees.  Until we do so, they will continue to milk the cow for all she's worth. 

Do not sign a contract until you have a good grasp of what it requires.  If the contract requires you to work a set schedule and removes the flexibility from you to act as an independent contractor, report the violator to the IRS.  Plain and simple. 

If enough ICs would band together, these MTSOs would get the message that they can no longer operate under the radar.



No I get that part but - Typin_away

[ In Reply To ..]
My question was more along the lines of if you don't even specify how many lines a week you will do there is no guarantee of work that you will provide whatsoever right?

So how is a company suppose to staff correctly if it has say 100 IC's that they don't know when or if they will work that week?

I was just thinking that maybe this is why they over hire and some MT's are left sitting without work.

I would like to have the flexibility of an IC position but I do think it is reasonable for the company to write in the contract a minimum line count that I would do a week unless there is advanced notice.

In response - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
I've never signed a contract that didn't have a minimum number of lines I had to transcribe. The MTSO can specify the TAT timeframe, but when I choose to do those lines, and still stay within TAT, is for me to decide as an IC. I determine my work hours, not the MTSO.

What about when they write in a minimum number of line count, but they don't have the workload to support that? Yeah, it happens, trust me. You go with the flow or you terminate the contract within the boundaries of the contract. MTSOs lie to ICs just like they do to employees and overhire to boot.

I have no problem with an MTSO telling me the minimum they expect or asking me when I will be performing my work within a given timeframe. As best as I can, I generally stick with the timeframe I commit to, but if I am unable, I give notice that I cannot. On the other side, I will not accept an unreasonable demand to perform an outrageous line count per day, and believe me, there are those who demand it from a contractor. I would rather have a minimum and then shoot for the stars on any given day than to be expected to produce what an employee cannot produce in a normal 8-hour period.

I read my contracts thoroughly. If I don't like the terms within the contract or the supporting documentation attached to it, I decline the position. There are plenty of ICs who will accept anything, which is a growing problem for those of us who work as ICs and have seen such insulting ads offering 8 cpl. There will never be any change as long as there are those who are willing to accept below minimum wages.

Thank you for your reply In response - Typin_away

[ In Reply To ..]
I was just curious about that when it was stated below that a company could not tell an IC what, when, where or how much they could work.

It is food for thought and I appreciate the explanation.

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