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Does RW ever answer e-mails/phone - mom2huskies
Posted: Mar 30, 2015I had some questions and I never hear back.
Short answer: - Not very often
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In the 4 or so years I worked for her, I only was able to get her on the phone 2 or 3 times. E-mails....iffy, maybe, eventually...or not.
I miss my old HSDM - mom2huskies
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She was good about answering e-mails and phone calls, not just ignoring my questions.
Good luck with that! lol - exer
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not when you want something...
That is true about RW - mom2huskies
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However, my previous boss, KM, was great about answering e-mails.
RW emails - oldie but goodie
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...plus she is "kinda" rude....
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