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Advising the new coding students or those searching for their first job - is very much appreciated..

Posted: Nov 07, 2012

Coders who post on this board need to remind themselves that it is basically for MTs who are networking. 


A medical transcriptionist who is a coding student or has become a newly certified coder has now learned in the last couple of days that:

1.      MT experience, other than medical knowledge, means nothing in the coding world.  There IS a big difference between school coding and actual work.

2.      The coding you did in school is not what you will encounter on the job.

3.      Claiming years of experience in med terms or A&P will get a "so what" response. They are not hiring you for THAT.

4.      Do not mention having years of experience with A&P.  While this knowledge is a necessary base for coding, it is not the main thing.

5.      Trying to sell yourself based on the A&P experience MTs have is going to make employers think you do not understand your job at all. A physician will just laugh at you.

6.      Do not think that starting at the bottom would be an insult. In reality, nearly everyone who changes careers has to start over from the bottom. Your MT experience is valuable but does not count as coding experience.

7.      Be careful in what you say about your MT experience. Some employers may not feel that your MT experience is very relevant. You might do better if you avoid giving the impression that you think it is.


I think the experienced coders� points and advice have now been well understood by MTs reading the latest posts.  I very much appreciate the time you have taken to offer what you know.  Your delivery is harsh, however, and you are frustrating the coder who is still being educated and the coder who is looking for their first job.  The new student will learn what you are emphasizing by the time they finish their course.  The newly certified coder searching for employment will have a resume that reflects years of medical transcription background/A&P experience and wouldn't need to emphasize that to the interviewer.  An MT surely can deduce that they are starting at the low point of the salary range for coders.  

An experienced coder needs to remember about how the MT profession has been reduced to minimum wage or worse and we MTs are just trying to find another career where we have potential for advancement and increasing our salary.  We are spending the money and time to learn a new profession where that will happen.

You are seeing offense when what was offered was just - what employers think

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The coders here understand that the MTs are just trying to change careers. We understand why. Many of us were MTs who did the same thing. We made mistakes and see others who made them, and want to help you avoid them.

No, the things we talk about are NOT going to be taught in schools. You are not going to suddenly understand this when you get that diploma. There will be no lesson covering it.

Yes, trying to get a job in coding by emphasizing the wrong things is not going to be as effective as emphasizing the right things. We are trying to help you see what the right things are.

Yes, work coding is a lot different than school coding. You do have a lot to learn on the job. This is a known phenomenon in coding. It is why AHIMA recommends 3 years of work before attempting their cert exams.

Yes, doctors are going to laugh at the belief that you have their knowledge without their training. That A&P course you took may have seemed to be a lot to you, but is not even close to what they know. Just try coding interventional radiology and you will see that.

Instead of taking offense at the advice people have given you, how about considering that they are doing you a favor by coming here to help you.

If your usual approach to advice is to misconstrue it and see a personal attack when none occurred, you might find that approach will keep you from getting a job in coding, where the ability to take advice and correction is valued and necessary. You are going to be audited all the time in coding.

well if MT experience is no help at all - why bother

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apparently we will be starting completely from scratch and might as well become accountants for all the good our knowledge will do us. Okay duly noted. But how do you know you speak for all employers?

Nobody said it is "no help at all" - sm

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Nobody said MT experience was no help at all. Nobody said you will be starting completely from scratch. Nobody ever said they spoke for ALL employers.

Leaping to extremes on this is another form of assuming the worst. I wish you luck in your new career. Expect no more input from me.
Frustrated from thread below - Not me
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I posted my question in the thread below and you answered and gave me a lot to think about. I did not post above and hope you continue to support us wannabe coders, I for one appreciate what you said. I don't know why others took offense, but don't let that drive you away, we need all the help we can get.

Think about this . . . - Something closer to home

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How many times have nurses asked you about MT, saying they know they can do it because of their medical background? They think they can get away with a matchbook course, or no course, because they can type and"understand all that stuff."

If you were an employer looking for an MT, what would you think of an inexperienced applicant who felt they were qualified because they had been a nurse or x-ray tech? Or who felt they deserved a higher salary because they had been a secretary and could type fast?

You would wonder if that person understood the MT job.

Knowledge is important and skills are relevant, but they aren't coding. When you apply for a coding job, you need to apply as a coder.

Answers - Without offense

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What mistakes did you make?

What is not being taught in schools?

What did you emphasize in trying to get a job in coding?

How would a new coder be trained in your department and how can it be done without interfering with the coders' workload/concentration?

Thank you for putting it out there. - Almostdone

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I wanted to say thank you for putting that into perspective. I am almost done with my coding course at Andrews and am literally terrified about the thought of being onsite and coding. I do still make mistakes and that's what scares me the most. I really expected to know more (A/P, terminology, procedures, etc. ) by my medical transcription background and have found since doing this course there is so, so, so much that I didn't know and am constantly referencing and looking up things ALL THE TIME and I don't expect that to change after obtaining a job. But the responsibility of this job is defintely not one to take lightly. As stated before I'm almost done with my course and realized much after beginning the course. There were times I wanted to quit because it's a difficult course. I now love it, becaues I love learning more and more about this science of medicine. So, if anyone is looking to get out of MT and you think you would like coding then DO IT. All the experienced coders who are coming in this site giving us information are NOT trying to dissuade you from doing it. They are merely trying to give as best a picture as they can before you commit to training. And yes, in some ways it is like starting all over! Because once we get out of school there is going to be a lot more things we are going to have to know. Be open for constant learning, more so than transcribing. I've learned so much more with this course than I ever did in my medical transcription course and on the job.
Good luck in your decisions and don't take what the experienced coders post on here as a personal attack because they are really only trying to help.


MT to coder - enjoy medical field

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Well, I am also a MT going to school for coding. I am aware that my MT experience will not forward me in my coding career, but I am also aware that my MT experience helps me to understand my coding classes better than someone with no medical experience. Also, having typed operative notes, x-ray reports, pathology reports, psych evals, H&Ps, etc. for years, this most definitely does help me have a better understanding of which code to choose. I have also worked in HIM departments before doing chart analysis and other clerical duties. I love the medical field, medical language, and I did not want to "lose" everything I had learned over 20 years, and I think that coding is a natural career to think of transitioning to when a MT is leaving the MT industry. Just my opinion. I do take the comments here "with a grain of salt." I do not see how having MT experience would be a negative to someone applying for a coding position.

MT frustrating work - enjoy medical field

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I also just found out a couple of hours ago that we have lost several MT accounts to another company (who outsources overseas)and that I may not have a job in a couple of weeks. I am grateful that I am in school to get away from the MT world. It has served me very well in the past. I have no regrets, but I am so thankful that I'll be finished school in a couple of months. Then, I will have the daunting task of finding a job in coding with no experience. But, at least there is light at the end of that tunnel where as in my opinion the MT field is not going anywhere anymore.

No one said that MT experience was a negative - sm

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Agree with everything you said except that nobody ever said that MT experience was a negative when applying for a job. In fact, it can be an asset if you present it for what it DOES give you an edge with . . . especially familiarity with medical documentation and the ability to figure out the content of reports.

I believe that someone recommended against using 30 years experience with A&P through MT for a job.

MT to coder - RadMT

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I was a transcriptionist (still am) for 25+ years and obtained my CPC-A over a year ago. I have applied to everyone/every place, even entry level billing jobs, and cannot get hired. I was very realistic in my expectations but have now pretty much given up on finding a coding position. I live in California, it might be different in other states. I'll also add that I have billing/coding experience also, not straight transcription on my resume. I wouldn't spend the money again for the coding course had I know what I know now.

If you are referring to what I wrote... - Anonymous

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Perhaps I need to apologize, I did not mean to offend anyone. I was an MT who studied coding and became certified and did the job search thing for 2 years, so I am speaking from experience and trying to help those who will be beginning their search. I'm working in an abstracting/chart review position because I could not get hired as a coder without experience, which is why I suggested keeping your options open and not ruling out other HIM opportunities, everything you do is an opportunity to learn. I'm paid well, so taking a non-coding job does not necessarily mean a lesser salary. I needed a job and didn't have the luxury of turning my nose up at much of anything. My experience was that being an MT did not mean much when applying for non-MT jobs. I'm a smart cookie and know anatomy and physiology and terminology really well, but in coding it is understood that you know those things, in fact it is a given and does not need to be emphasized. From reading these posts, I am not getting the impression that new coders expect to make less than their more experienced counterparts. Someone seemed insulted at the thought of working for $13 an hour.

Again, I apologize to all if I sounded harsh, but I wish I knew then what I know now, and I would have appreciated someone being honest with me. Good luck to all the new students/coders with your future plans.

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