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coding :: age restriction on new coding students? - MT
Posted: Apr 15, 2014
Anyone know if MM has an age restriction on new coding students?
New coding student programs - CT
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Do you mean the internal coding students involved in HDS2Coder or external coding students looking to get a first remote coding position. If it's the former, after they finish their apprenticeship program they'll move into unrestricted coder status. For the latter, new coders can test for CAP (coding apprenticeship program) and after completion will move into a full coder position, just like the HDS2Coder grads. Hope that helps.
PS - A lot of TSM don't even know CAP exists, but you can try asking about it to yours.
Intersting, - CPC-A
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I have my CPC-A and am studying to take the CCS. I have asked HR about any sort of apprenticeship programs and they informed me that they are not hiring any coders without experience if they have not gone through their HDS2Coder program. Who do I contact about the apprenticeship?
Difficult to say - CT
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My information comes from an executive, but not even my TSM was aware the program existed. On the other hand, a previous TSM of mine who now works with clients instead of MTs knew all about it. I wish I could offer more specifics. Maybe ask them specifically about the Coding Apprenticeship Program and how to test for it. It's been around for a year now, and I believe I was told it runs quarterly (I could be wrong it might be 3 times a year). Maybe rephrasing the question will help you get closer to an answer. Good luck! Sorry I can't be of more help, but great job on getting all those credentials squared away.
PS- There are obligations, similar to HDS2Coder for those who complete CAP, but they're not as long :)
They do have a CAP program... - CPC-A
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but I do not qualify right now. They require you to have gone through an AHIMA approved course. I went through an AAPC program. If I had the money to take an AHIMA course, I would go for it. It may be a good opportunity for someone else. I contacted HR and they told me of that requirement and that I would have to apply. Wish they would have tuition reimbursement, my old job did, but I was not smart enough to take advantage of it. Thanks for mentioning the program.
age - OP
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Thanks for the responses but I was asking specifically about age.
Against the law - EEOC - CT
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Sorry I didn't answer your question yesterday. I completely misread your question... oops.
Anyway, age discrimination, specifically above age 40, is against the law according to EEOC. I've attached a link for you to look over also.
what age is too old? - mt
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Thanks for your feedback. I guess no employer would come out and say someone is too old, but wonder what coders might think is too old to make a change of career to coding. Schooling might take a year to complete. How long does it take to be proficient? What would the common sense be here, age-wise, making such a big change?
To each her own? - CT
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If you're a lifelong learner and someone who enjoys a challenge, can you ever be too old to learn anything new? I think it's more about how you attack the task and present yourself to future employers. Age can be a huge asset. You just have to get beyond the stigma you're putting on it or that you fear they're putting on it, and teach potential employers how your life experience will be hugely beneficial to them!
I will answer - East MT
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On our Facebook group I can't verify exact age as nobody has come out and said their age and most people don't put their DOB on their Faceook profile. I have looked at a lot of the pictures of the ladies who are in the program and while I cannot say for certain but there does not *appear* to be anyone under the age of 30 in the program. I suspect this is due to the fact that the under 30 MT is an extinct creature! That being said one of the ladies does appear to be late 50s/early 60s. There are a few ladies in there who don't have pictures at all.
All you can do is try. All they can do is say yes or no. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Best of luck to you!
age - OP
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Thanks very much for your comments. It's nice to know there are other oldies interested.
Regarding age, retirement age is mid 60s but the lifespan (not sure about this), I think is mid 80s. That's a long time to be retired.
Only you can answer that - coding student
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I'm 40, which seems to put me squarely in the middle of the rest of my coding department. We have young graduates, we have very experienced coders. I don't feel too old. I definitely didn't envision myself back in school at 40, but so be it. I'm holding my own.
coding age - OP
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40 seems very young to me. Good luck!
I'm 62 and I'm sure as heck not - L&L
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going to work for Mmodal as an MT or coder any longer than I have to (hopefully 65, waiting for Medicare). If I want to be a coder, I'll attend a real program.
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