A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Coding students - Please sm

Posted: May 19, 2013

I am just wondering if any other coding students sometimes feel so overwhelmed, especially trying to work full time and study. I knew going into this that it wasn't going to be easy. One thing I have learned through all of this is that, yes there is a code for that, but you need to learn how to find it (even if it doesn't make one bit of sense)! :)

yes overwhelmed right now! - anon

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I just finished working 9 hours and really should be studying but am just exhausted. I am getting ready for the CPC and it is overwhelming...I am making notes and practicing but still keep missing a lot, getting really discouraged. I will miss an E code or a V code or for a procedure, I will miss coding part of a procedure, miss the E/M code or forget a modifier. It was easy up until now just coding one code at a time while learning the ICD and CPT codes but now tying it all together and reading a long report and knowing what to code in it is a whole different matter!

Thoughts on that - sm

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Two thoughts on that.

1. Who exactly is decreeing that you must have those codes? E codes and quite often Vs are not completely mandatory. There is sometimes room for argument. Certain schools' online material is famous for being wrong.

I might help if you made a list of what you might need to code. Diagnosis? Check. E? Check. V? Check E/M? Check. Procedure? Check. Modifier? Check. If I can do this, you should do this. Do not leave it up to happenstance. Make a list.

2. The CPC exam is multiple choice. They will give you 4 or 5 combinations of codes. You need to learn how to pick the one that contains no wrong codes. It is the reverse of what you are doing now, what you will do in real life, and on AHIMA exams.

If you try to CODE the question FIRST, you will never finish. Look up the numbers fast, see if they are correct, and move on.

3. If you are having this trouble now, you need to discuss with your instructor.

anon - OP

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I felt the same way you did at that point in my studies. I even spoke with my instructor about it. One major thing I have learned is that we learn just as much from our errors or missing codes on the tests. When I go back and review errors/missed codes, they really do tend to stick in my brain and, of course, I make a note of them.

Also, now that I passed the CPC and am studying inpatient coding and preparing for the CCS, when I read the reports, I find myself automatically thinking about the E/V codes, late effects codes, etc. Believe me, I never thought it would get any easier a while back, but slowly but surely it's all starting to come together. Like the other poster said, talk to your instructors if you need to. They are there to help you. Good luck!

Why did this student ask a question and - never come back?

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Someone took their time to provide an answer. It would be polite to thank that person. Maybe even read the answer.

She said she is overwhelmed. - She is probably studying.

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Seems to me that the answer would have - saved a lot of time
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medical coding - transcriber

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Does anyone have any information on where to start to become a medical coder?

Re:Does anyone have any information on where to start to become a medical coder? - steven_dunn

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I̢۪d recommend you take a look at the course offered by CareerStep. It̢۪s an online course, totally career-focused, that̢۪ll make your entry into the field of medical coding a breeze! Start by visiting http://www.careerstep.com/medical-coding-billing. Hope this helps!

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