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OTI/Oracle...why do I have to work weekends when there's NO work? - me in e

Posted: Apr 23, 2011

I had a feeling this would happen as I've been low in work all week.  I'm tired of waiting for reports to fall from the sky this evening.  I'm tired of no work the rest of the week too.

I have had plenty of work .. lots of ERs. Sorry for you, though ... have BTDT. nm - Colorado MT

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Silly Rabbit! If you don't have work, you DON'T have to work!! - sm

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Nobody said you HAD to work. They asked if you WOULD work. If you don't have any work you can't, so chill!

Chill? - You still have to sit and wait for the work.

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The problem is we are expected to sit and wait for the work, just in case 1 report should come in. Sounds like someone needs a CHILL pill.

NO you DON'T. If there's no work, I don't sit and wait.....sm - OTIer

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I've worked for OTI for over 10 years and I have never just sat and waited for the work. If there's no work, there's no work, so I just stop.

Re: Chill - Some info - Old Pro

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If they are making you sit and wait, keep a log of how much time (exact to the minute) you havt to sit and wait. Show it to the Labor Board and make a claim for the time spent waiting for work. Save all documents, contracts, e-mails, etc. that reference your having to sit and wait for work. If they expect this of you, they have to pay you for the time. Good luck.
YOU DON"T HAVE TO SIT AND WAIT!!! See message. - OTIer
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They don't ask you to sit and wait for work. All they ask is whether you will be working that day. If there is no work, obviously you don't have to work. There are no "documents, contracts, e-mails, etc. that reference your having to sit and wait for work." They DO NOT expect you to do that.

Trust me! I have been working for them for years. And no, I am not management or even close.
This doesn't eliminate the complaint - ME
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Of course they might not have to STAY on if there is no work, but that doesn't change the fact they made themselves available for the whole shift OR that they will not earn anything for said shift.

So go watch TV, clean house, go shopping. If there's no work, DON'T WORK!! - OTIer
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I don't and have never had a problem.
ME - Old Pro
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You are absolutely right, and "waiting for work" is actionable with a Labor Board complaint.
I believe we are all ICs...Does that still apply? - OTIer
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I could be wrong, and correct me if I am, but I believe we are all ICs meaning if there's no work, then there's no work. Just keep checking back periodically to see if any has come through. I don't believe as an IC the Labor Board can do anything.

Again, if I'm incorrect, please feel free to correct me; this is just my understanding of how being an IC works.

Hope things pick up for you soon.
OTIer - Old Pro
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If the company is REQUIRING you to sit and wait, they are, in effect, telling you when to do the work; they are taking your time, and they need to pay for it. Under the IRS Tax Code, I would question if you are truly an IC under these circumstances. You would need to talk to either the Labor Board or a tax attorney. I know that if I have ever had someone sit and wait to do work for me, I paid them for them.
No, I have never been told to sit and wait (SM) - OTIer
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In fact, although I haven't been with OTI very long, I doubt they would ask anyone to sit and wait. They do send out emails about 3-4 times a day with a list of accounts and how much work is available on each one and occasionally if an account is backed up and in danger of going out of TAT, they'll send an email indicating if you'd like to jump on, there's plenty to go around. I never feel pressured by their emails; they're more informative than anything.

However, my other employer (where I am an employee and not an IC) is notorious for having no work yet expecting you to sit chained to the old ball and chain for your entire shift. If OTI were an employee position with bennies, I'd ditch the other job in a heartbeat and just stick with OTI, LOL!

Different accounts perhaps - OTIer

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I was hired for that big new account a few months ago and initially I did run out of work a few times; however, since then I've never run out of work (knock wood, LOL!). I'm actualy loving the account, love the managerial style (left alone to do our work with the only emails being those that update how much work is available on each account), and can in all honesty say I'm loving it and am glad I didn't bail when work was low for awhile.

I hope things pick up for you, I really do. I've BTDT when it comes to a company not having enough work (MDI-MD towards the end) and it makes life extremely stressful, so I know exactly where you're coming from.

Busy - dmz

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I'm always busy on the new account also and love it. I've checked out other places part-time, but their platforms aren't as good and it is cumbersome for the uploads and filling in each piece of information on the ADT screen - I have found the "grass isn't always greener" and am staying put. :)

OTIer - Ex-MDI also

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What made the MDI debacle so upsetting for me was not only the fact that there was no work, but that no one at MDI would tell us the truth. They strung us along for as long as we were needed, never mind that some people nearly lost their homes.

I agree - OTIer

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Even when it was blatantly clear something was amiss and there was no work, we were lied to countless times and encouraged to hang in there, "huge" account coming through, etc., when all along they knew their MTs trusted them and were believing their shovelfuls of falsehoods. Boy, did that situation ever open my eyes.

OTI is probably the lowest pressure IC position I've had in awhile. No cumbersome platforms, everyone with whom I've dealt have been professional and friendly, I'm left alone to do my work, and their QA people are the best...no condescending, patronizing, snippiness, etc.

I intend to stay put here for as long as humanly possible. Like I said, I gave brief thought to moving along at first when it appeared the work had dried up, but I'm breathing a sigh of relief that I didn't as things have worked out very nicely for those of us on this account.
Glad I waited it out, too - Ex-MDI(/Transcend) as well
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I had actually contacted my prior job about coming back, having been told I was eligible for rehire and to get back in touch with them should things not work out. Thank goodness they haven't changed and ignored me LOL

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