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Do Indian MTs work weekends? - Just wondering

Posted: Nov 19, 2011

My dictations seem a lot easier today on Saturday with a lot of good dictators versus all of the horrible dictators during the week and I was wondering if this could be due to the Indian MTs not working weekends, or maybe it is just my good luck today!

I doubt it - they are so spoiled

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I hear they get foot rubs and all of their holidays off, unlike us.

Weekends - RJ

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When I worked for another company who sent work to India, I could not figure out the same thing. With another MT who is a friend of mine we did a little research. India is 12 hours opposite our time so it seems that our Friday to Saturday is their sabbath day since many are Muslim. We had crap work during the week, but by Friday evening and all day Saturday, we had good and easy work. In my opinion, they take off for their sabbath day.

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