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M MODAL holidays and weekends - CC

Posted: Feb 14, 2015

How difficult it to get time off on holidays or weekend s? I am struggling with this in their job proposal to me. I don't mind working a couple holidays, but not every single one.  What do they do if you call in "sick"?Why would a company not offer employees some holidays of? I just can't imagine working EVERY holiday. 

My take - anon

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People do not stop getting sick on holidays or weekends.

Not even doctors and other medical professionals - work every holiday

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That is such a tired, senseless argument to defend the practice of making MTs work every holiday, knowing that the workload is always lighter. I worked ROTATING holidays for 20 years....until I ended up at M*Modal. The only ones who would keep spouting that nonsense are management (who have every holiday off) or an MT who has drank the kool-aid.

I usually work most holidays, but I've asked before - sm

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and gotten approved. The work is really low on holidays, so you'll be able to get some of them off I'm sure. As far as Tgiving and Xmas, though, you can only take one of them, not both. Every time I've worked Tgiving or Xmas, though, I've ruined family plans & then run out of work anyway, so it's pretty aggravating that they force way too many to work.

holidays - stkgstyles

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They have no way of knowing what the workload will be on the holiday.

But they know that they've waaaay overstaffed every single - sm

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holiday for years, so common sense says let some more take that day off instead of ruining their holiday for no reason.

Here is a thought - mwe

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Some jobs with weekends off and holidays:

Government worker
School teacher
Bank worker

I am sure there are more. I don't like working holidays either or weekends but realize in a health-related industry you have to work some of them. I usually alternate years for Thanksgiving and Christmas being off.

Working for M*M - MTME

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If you have a family or outside activities. They want to own you body and soul and not pay even a decent wage. If you could read posts from November and December, you would see what a nightmare working those holidays are. This company does nothing but take and take and gives nothing in return; not even a decent wage. They treat you horribly and pick you to death with their rules and QA. I would highly recommend you seek employment elsewhere and not give into their demands.

Depends on how friendly your manager is. - dnr

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Everyone has to have a weekend day in your schedule. If a holiday falls on one of your scheduled days, you work. VERY few people get the major holidays off, and unless your work in a state that requires pay for a couple hours, you are out of luck when you run out of work, and you will likely have no work on a major holiday. When you don't/can't get your hours in because of lack of work, you will be hounded as to when you will "make up" the time. Or, you can use your vacation hours for those missed hours, if you have any left. If you have vacation hours left, you have to use them for lack of work; you can't take an unpaid day. I have never had a holiday off.

You are getting a good taste of this company. Take, take, take. Unless you are desperate for a job or just need an MT job on your resume, I wouldn't take the job. When I first started here, it was a good place to work, but since CBay (Indian company) gained control, it has become a horrible place to work, and getting worse. This is why I have gone back to school to train for another career.

JMO based on my experience.

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