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Does TTS have incentive pay for 2nd shift/weekends? - HomeMT

Posted: Jul 27, 2014

As an IC, does TTS have incentive pay for working in the evenings and on weekends?  Another company I am looking at does.  Thanks in advance!

I don't think so. sm - Anon

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I think your IC rate remains the same no matter when you work. I do know they do need more people working the later hours, so you might be able to negotiate a higher rate if you let them know you can work those hours. As far as weekends, we all have to work 1 weekend day, so there is nothing special about it to offer a differential in pay. If you offer to work both weekend late nights, again you might be able to negotiate a better rate. It's all a matter of negotiating. Find out what they need most and try to get a higher line rate for doing that.

According to their job ad, they do. - SM

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"What we can offer you is a very competitive cpl line rate, pay for spaces, headers and footers, medical, dental and vision insurance, pay every two weeks by direct deposit, PDO plan, weekend and shift differentials."



Their ad says yes. My paycheck said otherwise. NM - Bye, bye

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TTS - FooledMeTwice
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My paycheck also said otherwise. Could never get hold of anybody to verify line count. Bye bye.

They do offer shift diff. only if you are full time employee - ex-TTS

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If you are PT they take it away. If you are IC, there is none. It isn't much so you aren't missing anything. It is like 0.0033 or less. I cant remember.
shift diff goes to - all, PT or FT or IC
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I started out PT and then went to FT, my initial line rate included the shift incentive when I was PT. The line rates for IC are actually higher, about 1cpl if I remember, than being an employee. I chose employee because I wanted the dental and medical coverage.
Tried to go from FT to PT. sm - Anon
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just recently and told I would have to take a line rate decrease because they don't pay shift differential for PT. What they were offering would have been lower than my state's minimum wage at x.xxxx x 250 lph for SR.
that is not shift differential-that is IC pay - I know
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and PT does NOT get shift differential.

yes - they do

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2nd and 3rd shift differential incentives and also weekend incentives. They also give me an additional .25 per line for my CHDS. Hope that helps.

So, there you have it. A hodgepodge of mixed - answers and even 1

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dislike for asking the question. LOL. This board is too much. Best to just call them and ask them if you want the best answer for you.

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