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Oracle Pay Cut - anon

Posted: Nov 10, 2010

Just wondering - how many at Oracle got a pay cut 10/01?  Not trying to start problems - just disappointed in them and wondering. 

Oracle pay cut - Frank

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How much of a pay cut did you get? (Have applied to them and think maybe I don't want to work for them now.) Thanks for any info you can give me.

Cut was 1 cpl - sm - anon

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Doesn't sound like much, but 1 cpl less hurts at the end of a pay period!

1 cpl could be 12.5% - mathematician

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If you were paid 8 cpl and reduced 1 cpl, that's 12.5%

Similarly, at 9 cpl, the cut would be 11.1%; at 10 cpl, the cut would be 10%.

In a world where the cost of living goes up and banks pay 1% or 2% on savings, any of these are a HUGE PAY CUT.

Unfortunately, MT wages seem to be headed only one way: down.

Time to consider other careers!

Thanks to anon - Frank

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Thanks for the info. Between their pay cut and the way they apparently treat disabled staff, I do not think I want to work for these people.

pay cut - delay

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What's this?? 1 cpl pay cut?? Why are you telling us this over a month later when there has been tons of posts before this one about this company. I was not told this by many people I know who work there. Perhaps you made top dollar and they want to average everyone out to the same thing. Current industry standard may be lower than you worked for if you have been there a long time. Generosity puts companies out of business and they may be trying to survive. A job is a job in this field now, not particularly just how much we make. I speak from experience.
A job is a job - pay cuts
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You said "A job is a job in this field now, not particularly just how much we make."

I hate to tell you this, but most of us don't work just for the sake of working. We work because we need to put food on the table and keep a roof over our heads. And a 10% cut in pay is huge.

If the industry standard has dropped so low that MTs are now barely making minimum wage, then it's time for at least this MT to leave this field. Even my local McDonalds and Target pay more than minimum wage, guaranteed hours, guaranteed paychecks and benefits to boot.

An MTSO that will only pay an IC 8 cpl because that is the "industry standard" is a joke. What is this "industry standard" based upon?

Factor in that an IC pays all of their own taxes and other expenses and the IC is actually working for about 5 or 6 cpl. And that sounds awfully close to what Indian MTs are paid. So, is this new "industry standard" based on what the Indian MTs make?

Then I say, let them go hire all of the Indian MTs that they want. My monthly electric bill alone is about equal to an Indian MT's entire monthly salary. So unless they can lower the cost of living for me, I'll go work for my local McDonalds or Target. At least they are paying a living wage.
Pay cuts - anon
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I agree with you. Some of are not independently wealthy folks who do this as a hobby. Some of us actually have families and banks which like us to pay the mortgage on time.

I did and between that and having such little work - eastcoastgirl

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I've had to look for supplemental work elsewhere. The ad for the new account, needing 70+ MTs who want consistent work, well where is it?

WORKIN' ON THE SIDE - glitrgrammi

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I worked for Oracle for 5 years. They were good to me. Really nice people. But... they kept running out of work all of a sudden, so I moved on to another company. Now this company has started me on another program that pays by the minute. They didn't do it to benefit me, if you know what I mean. After 27 years in this business, I'm done. There is just no money in it anymore. I literally could go to work for Target/Walmart and make pretty much what I am making now; with a LOT less stress. I am making about $600-700 a month less. So, it's back to school for me to be a Pharmacy Tech. The pay is okay. At least it's a steady paycheck and benefits!

Did everyone get a pay cut or just me? - curiousone

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I got one too. No one on their board talks about it though so maybe they just don't like me?

pay cut by oracle - inquiring

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Got me curious. Did you receive an e-mail stating they had to cut pay and were you given a reason? This is apparently hush, hush. Wonder why they targeted certain MTs or are they going to target everyone in sections eventually. I did not hear a thing but I wonder if it is for those who made the higher cpl and I do not. Was your cpl 9 or higher before? Everyone seems to be running at 8 cpl now, except for maybe a selective few. Just my guess.

Yes, it was in an email. - anon

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Reason cited was "keeping with industry standards." Which sounds an awful lot like the post a few posts back about the delay in saying anything about it. Same wording in that post, too, and saying that "a job is a job." Wonder if that was management?! In any case, I didn't post anything to Oracle's company board because I didn't want to jeopardize being pulled off of accounts when I'm getting so few reports as it is.
For me it was 9CPL to 8CPL and when you're an IC - from above
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that's pretty bad. The VR work is only 4 CPL for me, but I never got that anyway. Heck I don't even get regular work, so I guess a pay cut doesn't matter anyhow.
So, if I make 8 cpl and have for the past 10 years... - Sims
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am I "safe" from a pay cut? I don't know about any of you, but try looking for a job in your 50's. Who says there is no age bias? I applied with Toys 'R Us on line for a season job and got rejected before my fingers even got cold off the keyboard. I can remember when we had more work that we could handle with OTI and were even offered incentive pay over weekends to get accounts caught up. Guess those days are long gone....

Wasn't there a thread about the new acct w/them? - me

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I swear there was a thread about that and someone asked if the new acct (with the 70+ MTs) had started. Is it still here?

Oracle's new account - Mrs.J.

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I was the one who asked about it. I have no idea if they got it; Oracle was not courteous enough to acknowledge receipt of my resume. And after reading about their court judgment for disability discrimination, I don't think they are the kind of people I would be happy working for.

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