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Indian accents - cts

Posted: Oct 22, 2012

Does anyone have any suggestions to help with transcribing Indian accents?  Are there any special settings on Express Scribe that might help?  Thanks! 

You get used to it with time - RC

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I wish I had better advice to give, but all I can say is that the more you listen, the easier it will become, until you're so used to it, it doesn't even register anymore.

indian accents - anon

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Sometimes when you can't understand an accent, your first instinct is to slow the dictation down. However, for me, I have found that with Indian accents in particular, slowing the dictation down makes it sound worse. It may be best to listen at normal speed. Try to see how they pronounce certain sounds or "mispronounce" certain words to your ears. For example, I had one Indian doc who pronounced the word "gonorrhea" in a way that sounded like "gone-uria." Another Indian doc I hear uses the word "examinated." You'll learn the "mistakes" common to their accent. It's like a really frustrating puzzle or word game. It does take practice...keep at it.

Accents - Helpful Hints

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This can apply to any accent.

1) Keep the dictation running a bit when you get stuck. This helps your ear "register." It also provides a little more info that helps you troublehsoot.

2) As stated, listen for syLLABLE issues. They very often put them in the wrong spot and can REALLY throw you, even with meds. Example: Dictator wanted to say skelatally mature, and with his accent, it came out skeLAtally mature.

3) At first run, don't sit on one word for too long. Let the tape ride (as stated above) for a bit, then just carry on with the rest of report. This will help with 2 things. For one thing, your ears can get REALLY STUPID when they're stressed. For another, he might say the exact same thing a few sentences farther into the report.

Good luck!

Another hint - sm

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I've noticed that the v's are often said as w's...as in "womiting" instead of "vomiting".

more helpful hints - OHMT

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My very first transcription job was Indian doctors (I wasn't even a transcriptionist then; just got thrown in to the job as part of my receptionist duties). He kept saying "pideid." Luckily the previous MT still worked in the office and I could run to her for help. He was saying "period" at the end of a sentence!

It would be helpful if you could get copies of previous reports to read along and listen. This will help a lot.

Also, what the previous poster said was excellent. If you get stuck just keep typing what you can get, and sometimes context will help you figure out what they meant.

They are notorious for accenting the wrong syllable. Sometimes if you try to repeat what they are saying out loud, you can figure it out.

After you finish a report, then go back and relisten to your blanks. You'll be amazed at what jumps out at you that you couldn't hear before.

So, practice and previous notes if you can get them. Like the other poster said, after a while you won't even notice the accent most of the time. You'll learn their quirks, too. I have a doc who pronounces prior as "pree-or." My favorite ESL now are Indian docs.

Good luck!

Some helpful tips - southmt

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Sometimes I find that they pronounce W's like V's (and vise versa). Also, words starting with "th" will sound like they start with a "d". I would suggest watching a few movies where the actors have Indian accents and watch with English subtitles. That might help you pick up on the way that they pronounce certain consonants and vowels.

I threw up once during a particular Indian dictation - tinear

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because he chants over and over will say, for instance history and physical 10 times in this Hindu sounding song and then would intermittently bring up heartburn. Of course, he could have been English speaking but we don't eat as much curry. I have no tips. Some Indian dictators are gems, but most seem unfazed by their lack of good English.

Some Indian dictators are so much clearer - tiredofworking

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than the mushed-mouth Americans and their cell phones! Cell phones and medical dictation do not mix well! Given me an Indian from the hospital any day over an American mushed-mouth driving their car or eating lunch and using their cell phone.

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