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Company says 600-650 lph SR is totally possible. sm - Disenchanted

Posted: May 28, 2014

So far, I cannot even make 450, which is where their incentive begins. Is the 600 a bunch of hooey/propaganda, or do people actually achieve that? I am trying to keep an open mind, but I have to say I hate it so far. It doesn't punctuate, doesn't list, totally time consuming to fix everything and for 4 cpl. :(

Which company is this? nm - enigma

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I guess we can call it the big S. LOL nm - Disenchanted

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sounds like - Escription

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sales hype. Is it possible? Probably. For the entire shift? Extremely doubtful. You would have to have perfect reports and read like a maniac. I am thrilled to do 400 lines per hour every once in a while. I think I am average.

would they have hooked you - if they told you

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you would do 300 lines an hour at that rate? Never believe what they tell you. If 600 lines is possible, I want to go there (tina fey). First time I have ever seen a poster (responding to you) who felt she was average. Most posters are their company's tiptop superstars.

Well, I was already at the company when they implemented the SR sm - Disenchanted

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so I was already "hooked," I guess. I'll see what happens, but it does not look promising. I do appreciate the other poster's honest response. I thought 600-650 was pie in the sky stuff to try to make people feel better than their incomes will be sliced.

if you are - already up to

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450 after a short time, you might do okay. Too many factors to say for sure, but 450 that quickly impresses me!
Oh no .. I can't make 450 -- that is where their incentive starts. A little over 400 is sm - Disenchanted
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my best. I'm pretty sure the 600 is not attainable by me, and it may be partly my fault as I might be too "old school" to remember all of the short cuts and whatever you need to be fast at this.

I couldn't even make 250 lph. This is just - another excuse to fire American MTs.

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MTSO does not need excuse to fire MT. Like you can quit for - no reaon, they can fire for no reason. nm

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I do not believe it is possible, but there are those - on here who say they do it

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I work on Escription for a hospital. Even our fastest MT only does 350 lph on a consistent basis.

600 on a regular basis? Nope. Not gonna happen.

I have done over 600 for an hour but on a - consistent basis I would say

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no, probably the reason they have set their incentive up that high. I WAS hitting well over 500 lph and then poof suddenly. I really think the company may have rigged the line count.

Me too! - anon

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Me too! One day, I'm kickin tail, the next month or so, my count went way way down. Not sure what happened.... I've been here 3 years, made bonus I think 3 times, and it was only on the first tier. It didn't amount to much on my check. I've asked supervisors too if I'm the only slow one, if I need some help or something. I got a vague reply... I would love to know who makes it and get tips on what I'm doing wrong.
Tips on what is wrong with not getting 600 lph... - No machine
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Minimum wage was 200 lph and still could not make that with all you have to check and double check and be near perfect. Job was never meant to be what it has become.

Company says 600-650 - is a bunch of bologna

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When the company that sold VR to the facility I worked at came in to "train" the trainer said she could do 500 lph. Come to find out she was not even a transcriptionist so her info was nothing but lies. Of course the big wigs did not believe those that were doing the work, and it was our fault these lph could not be met. It is now about 10 years later, same system, and still crap. The short reports aren't bad but when one of the basic 4 is on VR it is a total disaster, report has to be formatted completely along with their specifications so lucky if can do 250 lph on these. But saves the facility $$ as it is "VR" and the MTSO makes their profit. And of course, they want a perfectly structured report. If someone can do 400 lph I would say that is wonderful!! I sure can't.

From the occasional 500 lph I have been able to - do 500+ day after day

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So that is doable. I work on the basic 4 and now not many templated reports, shortcuts and the like but what I have is VR that is almost letter perfect. I never format a report nor specifications and mine is basically just scanning as fast as you can go. I will also say this, am totally surprised that our VR seems to have the ESLs down but yet 1 particular English speaking physician, who is great by the way, it sputters and coughs when doing his. Have no clue why.

500 lph - that is great

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You must be working on a great VR system. Not so with the one I am stuck with.

kinda possible - anon

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On the punctuation and list part, the more you do SR on a particular speaker, the more it recognizes what's going on. At first, you will have to change a lot in the note, but later SR will do a lot of that for you. If it's doing something like dates out of format, let somebody know and that can be changed. You can do it, but not daily and not with bad speakers, so by the end of the day, it's pretty hard to have that kind of line count.

MTs are a vanishing breed - In a field dominated by greed

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They're now barely able
to put food on the table,
while the suits have far more than they need.

another falsehood about line - counts

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We were told that dictator silence would automatically speed up to delete wasted time but it does not where I work. Now all the dictators just sit and read through the chart while dictating so I might have a 15 min dictation that amounts to very little because I have to listen through the dead spots. Dictators are WORSE than before - they used to back up and record over mistakes and turn the mike off while they were looking for something. Not now.

At the Big N - not even close

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I can see in the weekly scorecard that at just over 250 lph, I am at the very top. I cannot even imagine getting 400...I have to format, number, etc. and delete all the extras VR puts in and then reread to make sure it makes sense.

At the big N, too, not even close - anon

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I have managed to do 300+ lines per hour, but on an account that had only 1 ESL and I never could sustain that because of supposed errors and was told to slow down. You get what you pay for.

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