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I've totally changed my mind . . . . maybe - WWW

Posted: Apr 06, 2013

Thank you all for answering my questions lately.  I'm definitely at a crossroads with where I'm going.  I have an Associates Degree in medical transcription, have completed two A&P classes, two medical terminology classes, a pharmacology class, etc. and have worked as a transcriptionist for two decades.  I am now looking at either going to my local community college and adding on to my degree with a certificate program, or just recently I have considered Western Governor's.  My question is this:  Does it matter where you get your CPC, or is the CPC proof enough that you know your stuff?   And do you have an opportunity to transfer your current college classes at WG so you don't have to take so long?  I'm even questioning the need to get a "certificate" -- can't I just take the two coding classes they offer and then take the CPC? 

The good part of the community college for me is that it would be cheaper, because I only need three classes for their certificate, since all the others from my transcription degree will transfer.  The good part about WG would be it seems like it would prepare me for a wider variety of jobs.  Placement isn't an issue since I'm already employed.    Can anyone give me any advice?

Apples vs oranges - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
No, you do not need a certificate. You can take the CPC exam even if you have had no formal training at all. Employers vary in their requirements. Smaller offices won't care, but hospitals may require anything up to an RHIA with a CCS.

As for CPC vs WGU, you are comparing apples and oranges. A certification in coding to a bachelor's degree in a field that includes coding.

I suggest getting the coding out of the way now. Get your CPC now. That will enable you to start working in coding or something close to it now. Then start at WGU. You will have to take coding at WGU, but you will already know it. In a sense, you are just starting ahead. At WGU, youcan fly by it.

I also suggest that you talk to them NOW and apply now. You will need to take their entrance exam. That is going to help with your decision. If WGU won't accept you, then you should do the formal degree program at your community college instead.

You will also need to ask WGU what courses will transfer. You need to talk to them now before making any decisions.

Thank you - WWW

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Thank you! I'll see what will transfer, if anything. I was hoping to get started now -- I know my employer takes CPC's, but the community college doesn't start classes until the fall. Still, I think it is good advice to get it out of the way. I just hate to throw away a bunch of money if I'm going to have to turn around and spend it again. Although people are saying you can go your own pace, so maybe I can get through that portion pretty quickly. Thank you for your help.

no advice - call the community college

[ In Reply To ..]
Sometimes it is better to directly call the community college or program or association that you have so many questions about. Sometimes you will be required to take courses before you can start a program. Sometimes an admissions test is required. For more information on this board, please use the search function for the same information you are asking about again and again.

Taking that 1st step is scariest part - LuLuBell

[ In Reply To ..]
I actually did make contact with the local community college, and they were extremely kind and friendly. I have an appointment with a counselor a week from Thursday for help getting started. Now that I'm doing it, I suddenly feel excited and a bit of this worry burden is dissipating. There's a lot ahead of me, but still, I have taken the first step towards stability!!!

That is great LuLuBell! - WWW

[ In Reply To ..]
That is so great! Good for you! I agree, and I think you will find cc's really such a good bargain and so helpful. The CC I went to years ago actually placed me in my first job . . . my experience has been that they want you to succeed.

calling the community college - WEEWEEWARRIOR

[ In Reply To ..]
Thank you for your response. I am not asking about information for the community college, nor have I asked about it again and again. This is the first question I have asked about this "Informatics" program. Just because other people have asked, does not mean that I have. I graduated from the community college offering this coding program, so I am aware of how their admissions process works. They have open admissions. There are no prerequisites that I need. Thank you for your time.

my bad - call the informatics program

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Let us know what they say, take the next step to get into whatever program you start.


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Most important: Make sure the coding program you use to get the coding certificate is ACCREDITED through AHIMA. If not, you're wasting your money and will have a hard time passing the CPC

You are incorrect - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
AHIMA doesn't even offer the CPC!!

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