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Totally randon post -- Spring has sprung and I am so freaking - whodat

Posted: Mar 20, 2014

happy!  I absolutely hate winter and I live in the South!  I just feel better when the weather is warm and sunny!  Hope it is changing for y'all wherever you are!  Gettign all my flip-flops out ~ whoohooCool

That's RANDOM not randon! - whodat

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Thanks for posting that ... - anon

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It's a nice reminder to those of us (im)patiently waiting for notices that there is life going on outside of coding!

I'm the same way, I absolutely love the sunshine and warmth, although we only get a short window of it because I live just north of the Mexican border and within the next 6 weeks or so, "warm" will become "brain-liquifying" so I'm enjoying it while I can. :)

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