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totally botched up timecard - ll

Posted: Jul 05, 2011

Can anyone tell me where I can find the instructions in order to add a correction to my time card please?  I have totally botched up my timecard in the last couple of days so for the past 2 days I have 64 hours!  I have clicked and clicked on every button there and cannot for the life of me see where I would make a correction entry.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

your best bet is to call your RTL - they handle time card edits all the time - sm - grannyme

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If you can't get in touch with your RTL or don't know who it is, then use the "alert" function in one of the time punches and they'll fix it for you.

timecard - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
You to to your timesheet, click on the parts before your times that say "clock." This will bring up a box and you can change it in there. Hope this helps. We are not supposed to do this ourselves now, not contact RTL as other poster said. However, if you can't figure it out I guess you would.

Thank you both. I contacted my CCM and she made the adjustments - ll

[ In Reply To ..]
no msg.

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