A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

ATSI experience? - 12yrmt

Posted: Apr 15, 2010

I've searched through the archives and can't find much info posted about this company. Does anyone have any experiences, either positive or negative, to share?  Do they provide equipment?  What platform do they use for radiology?  I've already tested with them and they want to set up an interview, so I'm trying to make sure I cover all my bases before I leave a company I've been with for nearly 10 years.


No info but hold onto the other job you have. - Just In Case

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With them very briefly and - left in a hurry

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I was not hired for radiology, so perhaps you might have better luck; however, the platform is MT World, invented by their IT person, who, in my brief experience was very lacking in all areas. The platform was very time consuming and complicated. Between IM and emails I was overwhelmed just reading everything. I never even got a chance to do any reports because for 2 days there was no work. So, I was very, very glad that I kept my old job and tested these waters before letting go. I ran back to my other position and thanked heaven that I had kept it. Do not leave your other position until you are absolutely sure that this is the right fit for you. I will be surprised if it is, but you may find it works in your case. Good luck!

absolutely no consistency in their QA - mt6431

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there is absolutely no consistency in their QA people. One person says one thing, another QA person says it's another way, and so on, and you literally have to know who is QA'ing your stuff on a daily basis so that you know which "style" to go with. It is extremely frustrating.

The poster who says their system sucks is correct, it does, sm - Currernt ATSI employee

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It is very time consuming, not sure why the person who created it made it this way, but too many things the MT has to do before she can even type. A lot of deleting once you get into a document also. Once other thing, you are only allowed to keep a job for so long. It starts sending you warning e-mails that it is going to repool the job if not done by a certain time. So the fact is, you could be out work you typed if the system takes it back. When you upload the document, it will not upload if it has been sent back to the pool. Also, do not find QA very helpful. Little if any feedback even when requested. I am a heavy hitter, but with this system at this company, I'm just average (more than the requirement but still not what I used to be able to do). Again, their system is nothing to be desired, not what I would call transcriptionist friendly. Good luck

you have to manually add in every person who is dictating into the system, sm - current ATSI

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to send out a copy to that physician. I don't know why they do not have their system set up to automatically send a copy to the person who is dictating, but what a lot of time and aggravation to do this on each and every report. It does suck.

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