A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

ATSI - transition from IC to employee confusion - Ityperad

Posted: May 06, 2010

A recruiter recently emailed me and stated in her email "After the minimum
lines per day is satisfied for 3 consecutive periods as well as the 90 days you will be offered employee status and benefits".  What does that mean?  What does a consecutive period consist of - pay periods?  Annual quarters?  (and please don't tell me to "ask the recruiter" - I have to go through extensive testing before she'll communicate with me again and I want to know if its worth it).

I have read about ATSI's reputation in the forums and I want to know if some things are still true - Do they still not pay for anything sent to QA?  Are they still very heavy ESL?  I don't trust the way the recruiter worded the above - seems to me on the 89th day they could assign you a bunch of their worst ESL, which you would end up typing for free because you sent one blank to QA, then they could say you didn't meet the 1k/day requirement and they didn't have to give you employee status.

I just have a bad feeling about this and want to know if anybody can confirm or deny.

as far as I know we get paid for docs in QA, sm - current ATSI

[ In Reply To ..]
I have never encountered my line count and theirs being any different. Your line count changes througout the day when a QA person brings up the file as it changes that file to their ID, but as soon as they have correct and/or done whatever needs to be done, the system then puts the line count back into your line count. It's weird. The line count will show that file, and then when QA pulls it up, the lines are subtracted, when QA sends it off, then it is added back into your line count. You might want to look at other posts below. Their system is nothing to be desired. Yes, they have a lot of ESL doctors. If you can get the QA people to help you out after you are off of QA, good luck. Very little feedback even when requested from the QA staff. Most of the time, I feel that I am just ignored. I can send a blank and request feedback, and still receive nothing. If I sent in 10 documents for the week and requested feedback on all 10, I would be lucky to get 1 back. Good luck!!

Good to know about QA - Ityperad

[ In Reply To ..]
Glad you dispelled that rumor, thank you.

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