A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

give me some feedback on ATSI - Patsy

Posted: May 20, 2010

Can anybody give me some feedback on ATSI-- good or bad.  Thanks.

Check the archives and you - will not be impressed. nm

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Yeah, what s/he said - Sassy Pants

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Check out the archives about ATSI. You will run away after reading them. I worked for them for 1-1/2 years and got screwed on pay big time! I filed a complaint with the DOL against them. If you love working holidays and missing your social life, then work for them. :-) NOT

I cannot seem to do as many lines on their system as I have on others, sm - Current ATSI employee

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I am frustrated with their platform. I find it more difficult to make the lines I would like to make using it. There isn't a whole lot of transcriptionist support with this place either.

ATSI new platform - sublimelytragic

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The platform is not user friendly, IMHO. I was trained hurriedly. I understand there is better training now but I was just so frustrated that I gave my notice. Maybe it will get better with time but the only platform that I have found that I can make a good line count is Escription

I agree with you on the platform, been here for a while, sm - anon

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I do not think it will change. They area also going to Speech Recognition and only pay 3 cents a line for editing. So that in itself is enough to make me want to find another job. That line rate is low considering all the stuff required to be done before you can even get into a document to edit the thing. My major complaint is that the amount of time it takes to actually get ready to start typing is too long. It adds up at the end of the day when you're waiting for the system to update your patient information or putting inputting the doctors to be copied, etc.

ATSI - Patsy

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Thanks so much for the reponses about this company. They've been quite helpful.

ATSI - HappyMT

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I just quit working for him. The platform is absolutely horrendous,IMO. First platform in 29 years I couldn't make a decent living on for some reason.

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